s2d - Send to Device
Send text and documentation from the command line to various devices.
- Found an interesting URL that I want to have on my iPhone
- Send the PDF I just produced to my iPad
- Send a file to my Kindle
User Interface
I am mostly working on the command line, therefore I want something that works as pipe:
cat file.txt | 2iphone
2iphone file.txt
2kindle book.mobi
2ipad document.pdf
All of these commands are actualy aliased versions of the s2d
# assuming that s2d has a device called 'iPhone' configured
alias 2iphone="s2d --device=iPhone"
alias 2kindle="s2d --device=Kindle"
alias 2ipad="s2d --device=iPad"
Target Device
Identifies a device. Holds device name and transport. Examples names are 'iPhone', 'MyKindle' or 'Paula's iPad'.
A transport defines how to reach a device and holds all information required to reach it:
- Prowl (for iPhone/iPad)
Not implemented yet:
- Twitter DM
- Custom (potentially requires a device-specific app e.g. on the iPhone)
Delivery Strategy
Belongs to a transport.
iPhone & iPad
- Smaller text, URLs, etc: Send directly
- Larger files: Upload to Dropbox and send private link
- Limit probably needs configuration
- File attachment of an eMail. s2d will create one if input was passed as pipe.