
This gem provide a ruby wrapper to the Saasu api.


gem install saasu

Getting Started

Usage is currently limited to fetching invoices.

Firstly setup the library with your api_key and file_uid

Saasu::Base.api_key  = key
Saasu::Base.file_uid = uid

To fetch all invoices

invoices = Saasu::Invoice.all

By default all sales purchases are retrieved as this field is required.

You can pass in any conditions as a hash. The keys should be in snake case.

invoices = Saasu::Invoice.all(:transaction_type => "p", :paid_status => "Unpaid")

For a complete list of supported options see the Saasu API Reference

To fetch a single invoice by its uid

invoice = Saasu::Invoice.find(uid)

Copyright (c) 2011 Kieran Johnson. See LICENSE for details.