Sakai CLE Functional Testing API


This is the development project for the Sakai CLE Functional Testing API gem for Ruby.

This API provides a framework for interacting with web sites for Sakai-OAE, using Ruby and Watir-webdriver--but without needing to know either in detail.


Ruby 1.9.2 or higher

Ruby Gems:

Watir-Webdriver Page-Object

If you're just going to use the API for testing, then simply install it as you would any other Ruby gem: gem install sakai-cle-test-api

This repo is here if you're going to take part in extending the capabilities of the gem.

A Basic Usage Example for CLE:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'sakai-cle-test-api'

# create an instance of the SakaiCLE class, providing your test browser and the URL of
# The Sakai CLE welcome/login page...
sakai =, "")

# Log in with your test user and password...
workspace = sakai.("username", "password")


  • Fork the project.
  • Test drive your feature addition or bug fix. Adding specs is important and I will not accept a pull request that does not have tests.
  • Make sure you describe your new feature with a cucumber scenario.
  • Make sure you provide RDoc comments for any new public method you add. Remember, others will be using this gem.
  • Commit, do not mess with Rakefile, version, or ChangeLog. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.