
last updated: 2012-03-09
author: David Adams ([email protected])
github url:

sakai-info is a command line tool and a suite of Ruby libraries which enable the exploration of a Sakai database without the intermediation of a Java VM or any official Sakai code.

Because the primary goal of this tool is to assist in information gathering and troubleshooting, no capability to change the database is included in the tool or the libraries.


Tests are defined in ./test using Test::Unit. The default rake action is to run all tests.


Use rake to test and build the gem:

$ rake gem:build

The resulting gem will be saved to the working directory as sakai-info-0.3.4.gem.

Cleanup built gems using:

$ rake clean


Install the sakai-info gem locally with:

$ rake gem:install

Uninstall with:

$ rake gem:uninstall

Database Connectivity

Sequel is used for database connectivity. Driver gems must also be installed to support whatever database or databases you use.

Oracle support requires the ruby-oci8 gem, and MySQL support requires the mysql gem. Some unit tests make use of the sqlite3 gem.


To run, sakai-info needs to be able to connect to your Sakai database server. It is possible to specify multiple instances to choose from at runtime.

In this release, sakai-info expects a to find the config in a file located at $HOME/.sakai-info. The file must be in YAML format and can contain one or more Sakai database connection nicknames and connection strings, for example:

prod: oracle://sakai:password@SAKAIPROD
test: mysql://test:[email protected]:3307/db_name

The first connection in the list is the default connection. Other connections may be specified using the corresponding YAML key, which functions as a nickname for the connection.

More information on how to specify a Sequel connection string.

Command Line Usage

After installing the gem, the sakai-info program should be found in your PATH. For usage details, run:

$ sakai-info help

Library Usage

To use the library in your own Ruby programs, simply specify:

require 'sakai-info'

Further specifying include SakaiInfo will pull all object classes into the primary namespace and could save some typing. Be careful that class names such as User, Site, and Group do not conflict with other elements of your program.

Full RDoc documentation for each class is not available in this release, but is planned for a future release.

Change History


Future Plans



This work is dedicated to the public domain. No rights are reserved. See LICENSE for more information.