Sakai OAE Functional Testing API


This is the development project for the Sakai OAE Functional Testing API gem for Ruby.

This API provides a framework for interacting with web sites for Sakai-OAE, using Ruby and Watir-webdriver--but without needing to know either in detail.


Ruby 1.9.2 or higher

If you're just going to use the API for testing, then simply install it as you would any other Ruby gem: gem install sakai-oae-test-api

This repo is here if you're going to take part in extending the API's capabilities--e.g., adding page elements, custom methods, or new page classes.

A Basic Usage Example for OAE:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'sakai-oae-test-api'

# Create an instance of the SakaiOAE class, specifying your test browser
# and the URL of your test site's OAE welcome page.
sakai =, "")

# define the LoginPage class object, which allows you to interact with elements
# on the login page. This is available via the SakaiOAE class, "page" method...
login_page =

# Define the browser object using SakaiOAE's 'browser' method. This is Ruby/Watir's
# representation of the test browser itself and is used by every page class in the
# Sakai-OAE-test-api, so it *must* be explicitly defined here as "@browser"...
@browser = sakai.browser

# The above code is all necessary for proper setup and usage of the API. Below, we
# present a short and simple example of how you can use the API to interact with
# the Open Academic Environment...
dash = login_page.login("username", "password")

# There are two ways to invoke page classes. The first way, hinted at in the code
# above, will be explained below. The second way uses the "on_page" method,
# and is most useful when you are going to stay on the given page for a while. It
# requires that you know the name of the relevant page class..
on_page MyDashboard do |page|
  page.upload_file=("filename.doc", "Full/Path/To/File")
  page.file_description="This is a file description."

# So, back to the first way, which is most useful when you're doing lots of quick
# navigating around the site, not staying on a given page for too long.
# You'll notice by looking at the available methods in the page classes that those
# methods involving navigating to new pages will return the target page's page class.
# So, for example, going from My Dashboard to Explore Content (notice we're using
# the "dash" object defined earlier, here...
explore = dash.explore_content

# Now we can use the "explore" object to interact with the "Explore Content" page...

# A bit of verification code (use your own favorite test framework, here, if
# writing Ruby conditionals isn't too your liking)...
if explore.results.include?("Title")
  puts "Passed"
  puts "Failed"

# Enjoy!

For much more extensive usage examples, please see the OAE Cucumber directory in this repo.


  • Fork the project.
  • Test drive your feature addition or bug fix. Adding specs is important and I will not accept a pull request that does not have tests.
  • Make sure you describe your new feature with a cucumber scenario.
  • Make sure you provide RDoc comments for any new public method you add. Remember, others will be using this gem.
  • Commit, do not mess with Rakefile, version, or ChangeLog. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.