
Sanitization makes it easy to store slightly cleaner strings to your database.

Features (all optional):

  • White space stripping
  • White space collapsing (multiple consecutive spaces combined into one)
  • Empty string to nil (if database column supports it)
  • Change casing (ie. upcase, downcase, titlecase, etc)


By default, Sanitization has all options disabled. It is recommended you use a configuration block to set sensitive defaults for your projects.

For example, I use:

# config/initializers/sanitization.rb

Sanitization.configure do |config|
  config.strip = true
  config.collapse = true
  config.nullify = true

# or you can use the following shortcut instead:


Configuration Options

  • Strip leading & training white spaces (strip: true|false)
  • Collapse consecutive spaces (collapse: true|false)
  • Store empty strings as null if the database column allows it (nullify: true|false)
  • All String columns are sanitized (only: nil, except: nil)
  • Also sanitize strings of type text (include_text_type: true|false)
  • Change casing: (case: :none|:up|:down|:custom)


bundle add sanitization


# Assuming the following configuration block:
Sanitization.configure do |config|
  config.strip = true
  config.collapse = true
  config.nullify = true

# Default settings for all strings
class Person < ApplicationModel
  # is equivalent to:
  sanitizes strip: true, collapse: true, include_text_type: false

# Default settings for all strings, except a specific column
class Person < ApplicationModel
  sanitizes except: :alias

# Default settings + titlecase for specific columns
class Person < ApplicationModel
  sanitizes only: [:first_name, :last_name], case: :title

# Complex example. All these lines could be used in combination.
class Person
  # Apply default settings and `titlecase` to all string columns, except `description`.
  sanitizes case: :title, except: :description

  # Keep previous settings, but specify `upcase` for 2 columns.
  sanitizes only: [:first_name, :last_name], case: :up

  # Keep previous settings, but specify `downcase` for a single column.
  sanitizes only: :email, case: :downcase

  # Apply default settings to column `description`, of type `text`. By default, `text` type is NOT sanitized.
  sanitizes only: :description, include_text_type: true

  # Disable collapsing for `do_not_collapse`.
  sanitizes only: :do_not_collapse, collapse: false

  # Sanitize with a custom casing method named `leetcase` for the `133t` column.
  # Don't nullify empty strings.
  sanitizes only: '1337', case: :leet, nullify: false


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.