
Documentation generator for Sass source code

Using Sassdoc

Install the gem

[sudo] gem install sassdoc

Use the CLI to parse source docs

sassdoc ~/workspace/project


Usage: sassdoc [path] [options]
    -v, --[no-]viewer                generate the viewer
    -s, --[no-]stdout                write json output to stdout
    -d, --destination PATH           path to write generated docs to
    -c, --scm URL                    URL to source control management viewer
    -n, --name DOC_NAME              the name of the project documentation


Some simple examples

// this is an example mixin
// @mixin     example-mixin
// @param     $first {String} the first parameter is a string
// @param     $second {Number} the second parameter is a number
// @param     $third {List} this one is a list!
// @usage:
// =example-mixin(first, 2, (3))
@mixin example-mixin($first, $second, $third) {
  // ...
// this is an example function
// @function  example-function
// @param     $type {String} the type of example [easy|hard]
// @return    {Number} the index of the type
@function example-function($type) {
  @return index(easy hard, $type);

Defining private methods

// this is a private function
// @function  -private-function
// @private
// @param     $color {Color} a color!
// @return    {Boolean} true of it succeed, false if it failed
@function -private-function($type) {

Specifying a category

By default, Sassdoc will determine the category by the file path. You can define your own organization structure using the @category keyword.

This keyword can be used to set the scope of the entire file, or a single method.

Global category

In this example, both function-one and function-two will be scoped to the utilities label

// @category  utilities

// first function
// @function  function-one
// @param     $first {Color} a color
// @return    {Boolean} true of it succeed, false if it failed
@function function-one($first) {

// second function
// @function  function-two
// @param     $first {Color} a color
// @return    {Boolean} true of it succeed, false if it failed
@function function-two($first) {

Individual category

In this example, function-one will be labeled as utilities (from the Global scope), while function-two will be categorized as utilities/hacks

// @category  utilities

// first function
// @function  function-one
// @param     $first {Color} a color
// @return    {Boolean} true of it succeed, false if it failed
@function function-two($first) {

// second function
// @function  function-two
// @category  utilities/hacks
// @param     $first {Color} a color
// @return    {Boolean} true of it succeed, false if it failed
@function function-two($first) {

Supported Keywords

key meaning
`@mixin` define a mixin
`@function` define a function
`@param` a parameter for a method
`@return` what is returned in the method
`@private` flag a method as private
`@usage` provide a block of example usage
`@category` define a category for the method
`@link` link off to a URL (limited support)
`@see` reference another method (limited support)