
Sasspectations is a rspec like spec runner for SCSS.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sasspectations'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sasspectations


Drop you Sasspectations specs into spec/scss and run:

$ rake sasspectations:run

Or you can specify a path, for example if you had your specs in examples/spec/scss:

$ rake sasspectations:run\[examples\]

Writing Sasspectations Specs

All Sasspectations specs are written in SCSS.

For example if you have a SCSS function that adds two numbers together and wanted to test it you might set something up like this:


@fuction add-numbers( $a, $b ) {
  @return $a+$b;


spec-for-adding-numbers {
  @import: 'path/to/add_numbers.scss';
  add-six-ten {
    expect: to-equal( add-numbers(6,10), 16 );


Factory Code Labs

Sasspectataions is maintained by Factory Code Labs. Huge thanks to @jtrim and@InAbsentia for assistance in getting Sass under control.

Much thanks to the folks who built Sassquatch, without their inital work this wouldn't have been possiable. Many of their ideas were used in this project.