
sc2cinch is an IRC bot for Starcraft II players.


  • Display the current rank for a Starcraft II player

  • Queue a refresh on your SC2Ranks profile

  • Report the games you’ve played in-channel (using RSS)

It is distributed as a Ruby gem and based on Cinch and MongoDB.

Installation & Setup

  1. Install Ruby 1.9 and rubygems if you don’t already have it.

  2. Install sc2cinch

$ gem install sc2cinch
Successfully installed sc2cinch-0.1.0
1 gem installed
  1. Set up a MongoDB database to store users information in. I recommend creating a free account at

  2. Create a configuration file

$ sc2cinch --setup ~/.sc2cinch
sc2cinch v0.1.0 - IRC bot for Starcraft II players

IRC Configuration
IRC Nick: SC2Cinch
IRC Server:
For password protected channels, type "#channel PASSWORD"
Channel: #mychannel
Database Configuration
You can get free MongoDB hosting from
MongoDB Host: dbhost
MongoDB Port: 6000 
MongoDB Database: sc2cinch
MongoDB Username: sc2cinch
MongoDB Password: sc2cinch

File written.
Use sc2cinch -f ~/.sc2cinch to launch your bot.
  1. Launch your new IRC bot!

$ sc2cinch -f ~/.sc2cinch

Use –daemonize if you want to run it in the background.


When your IRC bot has joined a channel, you can start mapping its occupants to their Starcraft II accounts. Visit to find your profile URL.

[20:39] < logankoester> !sc2set
[20:39] < SC2Cinch> logankoester's user set to logankoester, ID 1485031

Every user you map will have their wins and losses reported in the channel (after a delay, as it is only RSS).

You can also find your current rank information.

[20:43] < SC2Cinch> logankoester is rank #1 in Division Routhe Whiskey (silver) with 300 wins and 271 
                    losses (0.53 win ratio) (last updated about 7 hours ago)

Explore the other options and features available with !sc2help

[20:44] < logankoester> !sc2help
[20:44] < SC2Cinch> Display current rank for a Starcraft II player
[20:44] < SC2Cinch> !sc2rank - Display your current rank
[20:44] < SC2Cinch> !sc2rank <nick> - Display <nick>'s current rank
[20:44] < SC2Cinch> !sc2set <url> - Set your profile URL
[20:44] < SC2Cinch> !sc2set <nick> <url> - Set <nick>'s profile URL
[20:44] < SC2Cinch> !sc2refresh - Queue a refresh for yourself
[20:44] < SC2Cinch> !sc2refresh <nick> - Queue a refresh for your <nick>
[20:44] < SC2Cinch> To get your SC2ranks URL, visit
[20:44] < SC2Cinch> Author: Logan Koester <[email protected]>

Getting Help

When all else fails, read the code!

Contributing to sc2cinch

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet

  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it

  • Fork the project

  • Start a feature/bugfix branch

  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution

  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.

  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.

Copyright © 2011 Logan Koester. See LICENSE.txt for further details.