
ruby-scgi is a small Ruby script for running Ruby on Rails (and possibly other web applications) for high-speed deployment of your applications in production. It is intended as a replacement for the ancient FastCGI code base and bring some big advantages to Rails deployment for production operations.

SCGI (Simple Common Gateway Interface) is a project to replace CGI and FastCGI with a simpler protocol to both implement and manage. It was written by Neil Schemenauer and adopted by many Python developers as a hosting option.

ruby-scgi is distributed as a gem, and can be installed with:

sudo gem install scgi

Feedback/Bugs/Support Requests should be handled through RubyForge at

The RDoc is available at Subversion access is available at svn://


  • Simultaneous support for Apache1, Apache2, and lighttpd on OSX and most Linux/BSD systems.

  • Same performance as FastCGI and better performance than other methods.

  • Simple to install, run, and configure.

  • Supports both single-port and multi-port clustering on most systems for that extra boost in concurrency.

  • Supports both command line and config file configuration.

  • Gives out limited status information to help manage your Rails application’s resources.

  • Makes it easy to manage your production deployment, and you can even run your application in development mode exactly the same way as with script/server for extra testing efficiency.

  • You can set a maximum concurrent connections limit, which causes any connections over the limit to get redirected to a /busy.html file. This can help keep your site alive under heavy load.

  • Simple to configure with your web server. Even if you use clustering you’ll be able to manage your webserver and Rails application independently.

  • Supports supervisor mode for rock solid upgrades without losing connections

  • Reasonable defaults for almost everything based on user feedback.

  • Completely free code licensed under Rails’s own license.

  • No external dependencies other than Ruby

  • The core implementation and the command line tools are easily extensible for other Ruby web frameworks.

Comparison With FastCGI

SCGI and FastCGI have similar goals: To keep Ruby running between requests and process the requests as fast as possible. The difference is that SCGI is much simpler and easier to implement so there’s less chance to get it wrong.

Specifically, ruby-scgi is written in pure Ruby so it doesn’t leak memory, runs everywhere, and is easy to install (no compilers needed).

One thing that SCGI doesn’t support is using UNIX Domain sockets in addition to TCP/IP sockets. This isn’t really needed, but it is handy in a shared hosting situation where you don’t want others connecting to your processes or if you have to request open ports. Sorry, no UNIX Domain sockets in SCGI.

Comparison With WEBrick

In theory WEBrick should be able to run just as fast as ruby-scgi. They are both written in pure Ruby. They both do similar processing (although WEBrick’s are a little more complicated). They both return about the same amount of data.

In practice WEBrick in production mode runs much slower than ruby-scgi in production mode. The (dis)advantage (depending on your point of view) is that you have to manage your webserver differently than you manage your application.

Comparison With CGI

CGI is where every time a request comes in for rails the whole Ruby on Rails framework is loaded. This is very slow, but it’s easy to install.

An alternative is to use the cgi2scgi program distributed with the SCGI source available from along with the Apache modules. This program basically is a small little C program that runs quickly as a CGI, but passes it’s requests to your ruby-scgi backend. It’s not all that fast, but if you’re stuck with cgi-bin only access then this might be just the way to go. Since SCGI runs over TCP/IP you can even host your ruby-scgi on a totally different machine with this.

Running and Configuration

If you want to start ruby-scgi with the default configuration, just run:

scgi_ctrl -d /path/to/rails/app start

To stop the application:

scgi_ctrl -d /path/to/rails/app stop

To restart the application:

scgi_ctrl -d /path/to/rails/app restart

Note that restarting/stopping is controlled by a pid file (the location is configurable). If the pidfile exists, it is read and the pids in it are killed. If restarting, new processes are forked after the existing processes are killed.

To see the possible and default configuration options, just run the program without any arguments:

scgi_ctrl [option=value, …] (start|stop)

 -b, --bind          IP address to bind to []
 -c, --config        Location of config file [config/scgi.yaml]
 -d, --directory     Working directory [.]
 -e, --environment   Environment (for Rails) [production]
 -f, --fork          Number of listners on each port [1]
 -k, --killtime      Number of seconds to wait when killing children [2]
 -l, --logfile       Location of log file [log/scgi.log]
 -m, --maxconns      Maximum number of concurrent users [2**30-1]
 -n, --number        Number of ports to bind to [1]
 -p, --port          Starting port to bind to [9999]
 -P, --pidfile       Location of pid file [log/]
 -r, --processor     Type of processor to use [Rails]
 -s, --supervise     Whether to use a supervisor [No]

Note that the -d (–directory) option changes the working directory of the process, so the -c, -l, and -P options are relative to that.

Here’s a longer explanation of the options:

-b, --bind          IP address to bind to []

This is the TCP/IP networking sockets to bind to.  It defaults to the
loopback address because generally the web application runs on the same
physical server as the web server.  If this is not the case, change it to an
externally available IP, and make sure to lock down access to the port via a

-c, --config        Location of config file [config/scgi.yaml]

This is the configuration file for ruby-scgi.  It is recommended that you use
this instead of the command line configuration, as it saves typing.  This
path is relative to the working directory, so if it is not inside the working
directory, make sure you specify an absolute path.  Also, note that this is
the only option that is not configurable from the configuration file.

-d, --directory     Working directory [.]

This is the working directory of the process.  It should generally be the
path to the root of the web application.  Alternatively, you can change to
the root of the web application before hand and then not use this option.

-e, --environment   Environment (for Rails) [production]

This is the only option that is Rails-specific, allowing you to specify the
Rails environment on the command line.  It defaults to production because
that is the general use case for ruby-scgi.

-f, --fork          Number of listners on each port [1]

This enables single-port clustering of processes, so there are multiple
processes listening on each port.  This can simplify configuration of the
webserver, since only a single port need be specified, and can also eliminate
the need for a proxy such as pound or pen to handle this for you.  It
defaults to one process per port.  Try single port clustering first, and if
it is not stable, switch to multiple port clustering.  It is possible to use
both as once.

-k, --killtime      Number of seconds to wait when killing children [2]

This sets the time that ruby-scgi will wait when stopping or restarting
child processes.  The time can actually be twice as long as this, if the
child processes are not shutting down cleanly.

-l, --logfile       Location of log file [log/scgi.log]

This is the location of the log file, relative to the working directory.
ruby-scgi doesn't log all that much (starts, shutdowns, bad requests, other
errors, and status info when sent SIGUSR2).

-m, --maxconns      Maximum number of concurrent users [2**30-1]

The maximum number of concurrent connections.  If more connections that this
are sent to the server, it redirects them to the /busy.html file.

-n, --number        Number of ports to bind to [1]

This enables multi-port clustering.  Multi-port clustering listens on
multiple ports starting with the port specified (so port, port+1, port+2,
...).  This makes webserver configuration a little more difficult, and might
also require a separate proxy such as pound or pen, so you should try
single-port clustering first.  You can run both at once if you want.

-p, --port          Starting port to bind to [9999]

This is the starting (or only) port that ruby-scgi will use.  If multi-port
clustering is used, all ports will be greater than this one.

-P, --pidfile       Location of pid file [log/]

This is the pid file, relative to the working directory.  The pid file is
necessary, as it is what is used to specify which pids to kill when stopping
or restarting.  If incorrect information is in the pid file, the processes
won't be stopped when they should be, and you will probably won't be able
to start new processes (because the ports will still be in use).

-r, --processor     Type of processor to use [Rails]

This is the type of processor to use, it defaults to Rails, as that is the
only one currently supported.  Adding other processers is fairly easy, just
make the processor is in a file named XXXXXSCGIProcessor.rb (where XXXXX is
in the name of the processor), and that file is located in ruby's library
path (the RUBYLIB environment variable).  See RailsSCGIProcessor.rb for an

-s, --supervise     Whether to use a supervisor [No]

This starts a supervisor process in addition to the worker processes.  The
supervisor process can then add and remove children using the same SCGI
listening socket, which means that there will be no downtime when you have
to upgrade your application.  Using a supervisor restricts some of the
variables that will be updated when you use restart.  You can change the
environment, fork, killtime, logfile, maxconns, and processor variables.
Note that if you use a supervisor, you should specify those variables in
the config file and not on the command line, otherwise it won't be 
possible to update them.  This is the only option that does not take an 
argument on the command line.  To set it in the config file, see below.

Each of the options can also be specified in the config file as a symbol. An example config file would be:

:port: 4000 :fork: 3 :supervise: true

This sets up a supervised single-port cluster on port 4000 with 3 listening processes.

Example configurations

Note that ruby-scgi is only tested on Lighttpd. Also, note that Lighttpd 1.4.16 has a bug which breaks redirects using server.error-handler-404, so either use mod_magnet, wait for 1.4.17, or apply the patch in ticket 1270 on Lighttpd’s Trac.


server.modules = ( ... "mod_scgi" ... )
server.error-handler-404 = "/dispatch.scgi"

# For Single Process or Single-Port Clustering
scgi.server = ( "dispatch.scgi" => (
   "server1" => (
       "host" => "",
       "port" => 9999,
       "check-local" => "disable",
       "disable-time" => 0)

# For Multi-Port Clustering
scgi.server = ( "dispatch.scgi" => (
   "server1" => (
       "host" => "",
       "port" => 9997,
       "check-local" => "disable",
       "disable-time" => 0),
   "server2" => (
       "host" => "",
       "port" => 9998,
       "check-local" => "disable",
       "disable-time" => 0),
   "server3" => (
       "host" => "",
       "port" => 9999,
       "check-local" => "disable",
       "disable-time" => 0)


<VirtualHost your-ip:80>
   AddDefaultCharset utf-8
   ServerName www.yourdomain
   DocumentRoot /your-switchtower-root/current/public
   ErrorDocument 500 /500.html
   ErrorDocument 404 /404.html
   # handle all requests throug SCGI
   SCGIMount /
   # matches locations with a dot following at least one more characters,
   # that is, things like   *,html, *.css, *.js, which should be delivered
   # directly from the filesystem
   <LocationMatch \..+$>
       # don't handle those with SCGI
       SCGIHandler Off
   <Directory /your-switchtower-root/current/public/>
       Options +FollowSymLinks
       Order allow,deny
       allow from all


Alright, listen up. I’m not gonna have people trying to take me to court because they think I didn’t tell them about security problems. Here are the main attack vectors you should be aware of when running this:

  • POSIX signals are bad if you’re in a shared hosting setup that configures all processes to run as a common user like nobody. If your provider does this then you should use something else or find a better provider.

  • The config file, pid file, and log file and directories should have appropriate permissions. The config file should ideally be readable but not writable by the user running scgi_ctrl. The pid and log file directory should be writable by the user running scgi_ctrl and by no other user. If the config file is writable by a non-trusted user, they could potentially run arbitrary code, and they could certainly open arbitrary ports and or attempt denial of service. If the pid file is writable by a non-trusted user, it could cause arbitrary processes to be killed by the user running scgi_ctrl

  • Never run scgi_ctrl as root. If you don’t know why you should read up about the unix security model before deploying any more software.

Changes from previous versions

  • Single-port clustering is back

  • scgi_ctrl is fully configurable on the command line

  • Clustering and processing are now built into scgi_ctrl

  • DRb, Win32, and throttling are no longer supported

  • Soft reconfiguration has changed (no SIGUSR1)

  • Restarting via SIGHUP is only supported in supervise mode

  • The only commands available to scgi_ctrl are start, stop, and restart


Q: Have you been living under a rock for the last two years? Mongrel/Nginx is the new hotness!

A: Well, aren’t you snotty. You can certainly use Mongrel if you want. The memory/performance differences are small, and it is probably better maintained. ruby-scgi may have simpler clustering, and may be useful for certain legacy setups. Also, it works well and it’s been working for me for the last few years, so I haven’t felt the need to change.

Q: Does it work with Capistrano yet?

A: I haven’t tried. If you have luck, let me know.

Q: Is there an easy way to reload? I don’t want to take the whole thing down just to deploy new code.

A: Use supervise mode, which ensures that no connections will be lost when updating your apps.