Scriptular is a local Regular Expression tester and learning tool for beginners.
Regular Expressions are the universal search language that crosses all language boundries. Most text editors, modern languages and even web sites support Regular Expressions. Scriptular is intended to be a utility and teaching aid to help everyone master this language.
Wait, isn't there a
This project was originally called graffiti. With the blessing of Hoyt, it has been renamed and merged with the efforts of that web site to make a better project.
Simply type:
[sudo] gem install scriptular
sudo is optional (and you shouldn't anyway, especially if you use RVM)
Required Ruby Version
- MRI Ruby 1.9.2-p0 or newer
- JRuby 1.6 or newer
- Rubinius 1.2.x or newer
If you would like MRI Ruby 1.8 support, feel free to send a pull request to make this work.
Runtime Dependencies
- Sinatra: Web application framework
- Haml: HTML Template language
- Sass: Stylesheet markup language (Specifically, SCSS)
- Thin: Super fast web server
- Trollop: Command line options for Ruby apps
Development Dependencies
- Rspec: Test Framework
- Aruba: Test Framework for Command Line Applications
- Shotgun: Reloads Sinatra server
- Capybara: Test Matchers for Web Pages
- Rake: Ruby Make, task runner for automated actions
Simply type:
Then visit http://localhost:8080/ and start messing with Regular Expressions.
If you use POW, you can symlink scriptular by passing the link option
scriptular -l
You can then visit to use scriptular without having to run the command
You can find other customization options by passing the -h option like so:
scriptular -h
We :heart: the github pull request system and so will you when contributing!
- Fork the repo
- Make a topic branch
- Make a patch (with tests please!)
- Send a pull request
If you need stuff to work on, check the "Issues" section of the github repo.
Wish List
- Sample regular expressions (To test)
- Proxy Mode (Turn into a web proxy, do regex matches against incoming pages)
- Multiple interpreters behind the gem (V8, SpiderMonkey, Python?)