
scrolls_rails is an extension to the Scrolls logging library that makes it easy to log user interface/Javascript events the same way that you log actions in your models and controllers.

For more information about Scrolls, visit its repository here.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'scrolls_rails'

Add scrolls_rails to your javascript manifest, normally application.js:

//= require scrolls_rails

And add scrolls_rails's routes to your routes file:

mount ScrollsRails::Engine => "/scrolls", :as => "scrolls_rails"


scrolls_rails uses the syntax you're already familiar with, to log events from Javascript:

Scrolls.log({fn: "items", at: "viewed_list"})

The output of which will be:

fn=items at=viewed_list

In addition, since scrolls_rails works with your existing Rails app, any Scrolls contexts set for your application will be set for your Javascript logs as well.


scrolls_rails is released under the License[].