
Welcome to Selenium RC!

This plugin is designed to let you use Selenium RC to write Selenium tests in Ruby, using a simple series of Rake tasks.


The current version of this plugin can be found at:

You may install the plugin with the following command:

script/plugin install svn://


The seleniumrc plugin assumes you have a test/selenium directory with a selenium_suite.rb file in it. A sample selenium_suite.rb and selenium_helper.rb can be copied into your test/selenium directory.

You’ll get the following tasks:

- selenium:test - starts a Selenium RC server, runs selenium tests, and shuts the server down
   when they're done

and lower level tasks as well:

- selenium:server starts up a Selenium RC server
- selenium:test_with_server_started  runs Selenium tests off of an existing server

Future Enhancements

There are a few things we’d like to improve, but we wanted to get this out now. Check the tracker in the pivotal.rb RubyForge project for details.


Selenium RC Fu is distributed under the MIT license. Copyright © 2007 Pivotal Labs, Inc.


Contributions to this plugin are welcome. Contributions should be accompanied by tests. See for more details.