Semantic Antispam

Simple semantic antispam solution for ActiveRecord-based applications.

Define questions and answers in a YAML file and validate your models with a single line of code. No more captchas or other stupid tricks.


Add the dependency to your Gemfile

gem 'semantic_antispam'

Create a questions file at config/antispam.yml with the following format:

- Color of the sea?: blue
- Color of the sky?: blue
- Capital of France?: paris

If you are not using Rails or want to save this file in a different location:

# config/application.rb if this is a Rails app

Semantic::Antispam.config_file = Rails.root + '/antispam.yml'

You can also customize the validation error message by adding a key to your translations file:

  error_msg: "I'm not sure you're human. I'll give you another chance, please answer the question again."


If you want to check the humanness of your commenters, just modify your Comment model:

class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base

And add this code in your comment form:

<%= f.hidden_field :antispam_hash %>
<%= f.label :antispam_answer, f.object.antispam_question %>
<%= f.text_field :antispam_answer %>


If you want to improve semantic_antispam

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create a topic branch git checkout -b my_feature
  3. Push it! git push origin my_feature
  4. Open a pull request
