sendhipchat -- A sendmail like tool for HipChat

I do Ops for and we make extensive use of HipChat for planning and coordination. Incongriously--and this is my fault--our notification is done exclusively through email, mostly for want of a sendmail that spits out to HipChat, rather than our local, friendly mail server.

sendhipchat fills that want. It's inspired by sendmail in all the ways I care about and sends room messages.


Assuming you have a Ruby environment setup (if you don't, I suggest your system Ruby, rbenv or RVM, in that order) then please:

gem install sendhipchat

and enjoy.


Send messages to a single room:

echo 'single room message' | sendhipchat --api-token TOKEN --from 'sendhipchat' --rooms "SINGLE ROOM"

Send messages to multiple rooms:

echo 'multiple room message' | sendhipchat --api-token TOKEN --from 'sendhipchat' --rooms "SINGLE ROOM","OTHER ROOM"

See the help text (sendhipchat --help) for more options.