Senedsa is a small utility and library that wraps around the Nagios send_nsca utility, which must be available in your system. Senedsa assumes by default that send_nsca is available in your PATH and that send_nsca's configuration file is in its default location. Both of these items can be overriden via options in the configuration file or in the command line.

Senedsa is available as a Rubygem: gem install senedsa


senedsa [options] svc_output

Options are as follows:

Senedsa options
    -c, --config CONFIG              senedsa configuration file

NSCA options:
    -H, --nsca_hostname HOSTNAME     NSCA server hostname                              [REQUIRED]
    -P, --nsca_port PORT             NSCA server port

Send_Nsca options:
    -T, --send_nsca_timeout TIMEOUT  send_nsca connection timeout
    -D, --send_nsca_delim DELIM      send_nsca field delimited
    -C, --send_nsca_config CONFIG    send_nsca configuration file
    -B, --send_nsca_binary BINARY    send_nsca binary path

Service options:
    -h, --svc_hostname HOSTNAME      service hostname                                  [REQUIRED]
    -S, --svc_descr DESCR            service description                               [REQUIRED]
    -s, --svc_status STATUS          service status: ok, warning, critical, unknown    [REQUIRED]

General options:
    -d, --debug                      Enable debug mode
    -a, --about                      Display senedsa information
    -V, --version                    Display senedsa version
        --help                       Show this message

With no options or arguments, senedsa displays help (as shown above).

Options --nsca_hostname, --svc_hostname, --svc_descr and --svc_status are mandatory (unless specified in the configuration file).

Finally, svc_output need not be quoted: anything passed as an argument is considered part of svc_output.


The priority of options is: command line options > configuration file options > default options

A YAML-based configuration (default location is ~/.senedsa/config) can be used to set defaults for any option (except senedsa_config), which can then be overriden in the command line. This is useful, for instance, if the send_nsca binary is not in the PATH, its configuration file is not in the default location, or so that the NSCA server hostname need not be specified on the command line in every invocation. Use long option names to set the corresponding values:

:send_nsca_binary: /usr/local/bin/send_nsca
:send_nsca_config: /local/etc/nagios/send_nsca.cfg
:nsca_hostname: nsca.example.com

Thus, we can now run senedsa like so:

senedsa -h myhost.example.com -S mypassiveservice -s ok Everthing ok with myservice

In cases where senedsa is being used by some external script for a specific host and service (assuming send_nsca is in the PATH and the configuration is its standard location), the configuration file /etc/senedsa/script_service could be:

:nsca_hostname: nsca.example.com
:send_nsca_hostname: my.hostname.example.com
:send_nsca_descr: script_service

Then, the script would invoke senedsa as follows:

senedsa -c /etc/senedsa/script_service -s ok service is doing great


To use Senedsa as a library, simply:

require 'senedsa'

svc_hostname = "foo.example.com"
svc_descr = "sample service description"

  s = SendNsca.new svc_hostname, svc_descr, :nsca_hostname => "nsca.example.com"
  s.send :ok, "Everything ok with my service"
rescue => e
  # rescue logic


Senedsa accepts four different constructors, aimed at fitting different situations.

  • (SendNsca) initialize(config_file)
  • (SendNsca) initialize(config_hash)
  • (SendNsca) initialize(svc_hostname,svc_descr)
  • (SendNsca) initialize(svc_hostname,svc_descr,config_hash)


  • config_file is a path to a valid configuration file
  • config_hash is a hash keyed by long option names with their corresponding values
  • svc_hostname is the hostname of the service hostname
  • svc_descr is the service description of the service

An instance does not need all options defined until the send method is invoked.


Senedsa has sensible defaults for the following options, mostly following send_nsca's documented defaults:

  • nsca_port = 5667
  • send_nsca_timeout = 10
  • send_nsca_delim = '\t'
  • send_nsca_binary = 'send_nsca'

It is therefore not necessary to set these if your environment doesn't need them changed.


All options are settable (and gettable) through attribute methods. For instance:

sn = SendNsca.new "foo.example.com", "web_service"
sn.nsca_hostname = "nsca.example.com"
sn.send :ok, "Service ok"

Another example:

sn = SendNsca.new "foo.example.com", "web_service", :nsca_hostname => "nsca.example.com"
sn.nsca_port = 55667
sn.send :ok, Service ok"

If you wish to use a configuration file to set some defaults:

:nsca_hostname: nsca.example.com
:send_nsca_hostname: my.hostname.example.com


config_file = '/etc/senedsa.cfg'
s = SendNsca.new config_file
s.svc_descr = "web_service"
s = s.send :ok, "Everything ok with web_service"

Alternatively you can set defaults in the SendNsca class before creating any instances:

SendNsca.defaults[:nsca_hostname] = "nsca.example.com"
s = SendNsca.new svc_hostname, svc_descr
s.send :ok, "Everything ok with my service"

After a SendNsca instance is created, changing the defaults has no effect on said instance. You must then make changes to the instance itself.