Class: Sequel::SQL::GenericComplexExpression


The GenericComplexExpression acts like a GenericExpression in terms of methods, but has an internal structure of a ComplexExpression. It is used by Object#sql_expr. Since we don’t know what specific type of object we are dealing with it, we treat it similarly to how we treat symbols or literal strings, allowing many different types of methods.

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from ComplexExpression

ComplexExpression::BITWISE_OPERATORS, ComplexExpression::BOOLEAN_OPERATOR_METHODS, ComplexExpression::INEQUALITY_OPERATORS, ComplexExpression::IN_OPERATORS, ComplexExpression::IS_OPERATORS, ComplexExpression::MATHEMATICAL_OPERATORS, ComplexExpression::N_ARITY_OPERATORS, ComplexExpression::ONE_ARITY_OPERATORS, ComplexExpression::OPERTATOR_INVERSIONS, ComplexExpression::TWO_ARITY_OPERATORS

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from ComplexExpression

#args, #op

Method Summary

Methods included from SubscriptMethods


Methods included from StringMethods

#ilike, #like

Methods included from OrderMethods

#asc, #desc

Methods included from ComplexExpressionMethods

#extract, #sql_boolean, #sql_number, #sql_string

Methods included from CastMethods

#cast, #cast_numeric, #cast_string

Methods included from BooleanMethods


Methods included from AliasMethods


Methods inherited from ComplexExpression


Methods inherited from Expression

#==, attr_reader, comparison_attrs, #eql?, #hash, #inspect, #lit, #sql_literal

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Sequel::SQL::ComplexExpression