Module: Sequel::Plugins::PgArrayAssociations

Defined in:


This plugin allows you to create associations where the foreign keys are stored in a PostgreSQL array column in one of the tables. The model with the table containing the array column has a pg_array_to_many association to the associated model, and the model with the table containing the primary key referenced by elements in the array column has a many_to_pg_array association to the associated model.

# Database schema:
#   tags                albums
#   :id (int4) <--\    :id
#   :name          \-- :tag_ids (int4[])
#                      :name

class Album
  plugin :pg_array_associations
  pg_array_to_many :tags
class Tag
  plugin :pg_array_associations
  many_to_pg_array :albums

These association types work similarly to Sequel’s other association types, so you can use them as you would any other association. Unlike other associations, they do not support composite keys.

One thing that is different is that the modification methods for pg_array_to_many associations do not affect the database, since they operate purely on the receiver. For example:

album = Album[1]

does not save the album. This allows you to call add_tag repeatedly and the save after to combine all changes into a single query. Note that the many_to_pg_array association modification methods do save, so:

tag = Tag[2]

will save the changes to the album.

They support some additional options specific to this plugin:


This allows you to specify the type of the array. This is only necessary to set in very narrow circumstances, such as when this plugin needs to create an array type, and typecasting is turned off or not setup correctly for the model object.


For pg_array_to_many associations, this makes the the modification methods save the current object, so they operate more similarly to the one_to_many and many_to_many association modification methods.


Similar to many_to_many associations, this can be used to make sure the returned associated object array has uniq values.

Note that until PostgreSQL gains the ability to enforce foreign key constraints in array columns, this plugin is not recommended for production use unless you plan on emulating referential integrity constraints via triggers.

This plugin should work on all supported PostgreSQL versions, except the remove_all modification method for many_to_pg_array associations, which requires the array_remove method added in PostgreSQL 9.3.

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: ClassMethods, DatasetMethods Classes: ManyToPgArrayAssociationReflection, PgArrayToManyAssociationReflection