SettingsDB provides an easy to use mechanism for keeping application settings in your database. It also provides a namespacing mechanism to keep settings from different areas separate, as well as a defaults option.
Getting Started
Add settingsdb-rails to your Gemfile:
gem 'settingsdb-rails'
To install the model, migration, and defaults initializer:
rails generate settingsdb:install
rake db:migrate
This will create a ‘settings` model, migration, and initializer file. Now just reference settings in your code:
<% title Setting[:site_title] %>
To create a new setting just set its value:
Setting[:site_title] = "My Awesome Site!"
Non-qualified key operations use the ‘:default` namespace, to set a key in a particular namespace:
Setting[:myplugin, :site_title] = "My Awesome Plugin Site!"
To set application defaults, use ‘SettingsDB::Defaults`:
SettingsDB::Defaults[:site_title] = 'Untitled'
SettingsDB::Defaults[:myplugin, :site_title] = 'Untitled Plugin'
Or use a block:
SettingsDB::Defaults.config do |c|
c[:site_title] = 'Untitled'
c[:myplugin, :site_title] = 'Untitled Plugin'