
API for


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'showroom_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install showroom_api


Data can be obtained using the following patterns:

> ::ShowroomApi::Live.onlives
> ::ShowroomApi::Live.live_info(room_id)
> ::ShowroomApi::Room.profile(room_id)
> ::ShowroomApi::User.profile(user_id)


  • Live

Contains info of currently onlive stream | Method | Argument | Definition | | :------------- |:-------------:| :-----| | onlives | size(optional) | Array of room categories and their available live rooms.
Return all the info or just part if size is provided | | live_info | room_id | Info of the room | | streaming_url | room_id | List of room's streaming URLs | | polling | room_id | Live status of the room | | age_verification | room_id | - | | current_user | room_id | Logged in user's info (#1) | | telop | room_id | - | | enquete_result | room_id | Room's survey result | | summary_ranking | room_id | Room's ranking summary | | comment_log | room_id | Room's comment log | | gift_log | room_id | Room's gift log | | gift_list | room_id | Room's available gift | | stage_gift_list | room_id | List of gifts the room received | | stage_user_list | room_id | List of users in the room | | onlive_num | - | Count of currently available rooms |

  • Room

Contains info of a room | Method | Argument | Definition | | ------------- |:-------------:| :-----| | event_and_support | room_id | Info about event and support of the room | | profile | room_id | Profile info of the room | | next_live | room_id | Room's next live schedule | | settings | room_id | Rooms available performance | | status | room_id | Status of the room |

  • User

Contains info of a user | Method | Argument | Definition | | ------------- |:-------------:| -----:| | profile | user_id | Profile info of the user | | detail | user_id | Detailed info of the logged-in user (#1) |

<small>(#1) Needs to be logged-in</small>


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