SilverSpurs Build Status

RESTful Chef bootstrapping

Instead of using a CLI to kick off bootstrapping, hit an API endpoint and let the service do it for you.


Install chef and set up knife on the machine (refer to the chef docs)

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'silver_spurs'

Create a

require 'bundler'

require 'silver_spurs'

# SilverSpurs::App.deployment_key = '/opt/deployment_key.pem'
# SilverSpurs::App.deployment_user = 'deployer'
# SilverSpurs::App.node_name_filter = /\w{3,10}/
# SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.base_path = '/opt/silver_spurs'

run SilverSpurs::App    

And then execute:

$ bundle
$ rackup


Kick off a bootstrap

$ curl -X PUT -i -d node_name=machineotron http://localhost/bootstrap/

The redirect will point to the query URL for the bootstrap run. Since these runs tend to take several minutes, this is preferable to a long-running HTTP request.

Further GET requests to this endpoint will return a log of the run in progress. HEAD requests will return just the status code.

Status codes

  • 406 - Missing a required parameter
  • 404 - Unknown endpoint or resource
  • 201 - Run completed successfully
  • 202 - Run in progress
  • 550 - Run ended in failure

Using the client

Add this line to the application's Gemfile:

gem 'silver_spurs'

Sample application

require 'silver_spurs/client'

silver ='http://localhost')
bootstrap = silver.start_bootstrap('', 'machineotron')
while bootstrap.status == :pending do
  sleep 10
puts bootstrap.log


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Add you some tests
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request