Simrpc - A Simple RPC library using AMQP as the transport mechanism

Copyright © 2010 Mohammed Morsi <[email protected]>

Simrpc is made available under the MIT License


Simrpc is a simple Ruby module for rpc communication that uses Apache QPID as the transport mechanism.

Developers define class / function schemas in xml and register handlers to be invoked when schema methods are called. Schema classes and members are mapped to Ruby classes via Ruby’s builtin introspection mechanisms.

To install simrpc simply run:

gem install simrpc

Source code is available via:

git clone


Generate documentation via

rake rdoc

Also see specs for detailed usage.

The primary interface to simrpc is provided by the ‘node’ module which defines Simrpc::Node. This class should be instantiated using a custom identifier for every simrpc endpoint you want to establish (nodes that share an identifier will share a message queue) after which it can be used to register handlers to schema methods and invoke remote methods.


         "  <method name='foo_method'>" +
         "    <param type='int' name='some_int'/>"+
         "    <param type='float' name='floating_point_number'/>"+
         "    <return_value type='str' name='a_string' />" +
         "    <return_value type='obj' name='my_class_instance' associated='MyClass' />" +
         "  </method>"+
         "  <method name='bar_method'>" +
         "    <param type='array' name='byte_array' associated='int'/>"+
         "    <return_value type='int' name='bool_success' />"+
         "  </method>"+
         "  <class name='MyClass'>"+
         "    <member type='str' name='str_member' />" +
         "    <member type='float' name='float_member' />" +
         "    <member type='obj' name='associated_obj' ignore_null='true' />" +
         "  </class>"+

class MyClass
  attr_accessor :str_member
  attr_accessor :float_member
  attr_accessor :associated_obj

server = => "server3", :schema => TEST_SCHEMA)
client = => "client3", :schema => TEST_SCHEMA, :destination => "server3")

server.handle_method("foo_method") { |some_int, floating_point_number|
   some_int # => 10
   floating_point_number # => 15.4

   ["stuff","foobar", 4.2)]

a_str, my_class_instance = client.foo_method(10, 15.4)

a_str # => "stuff"
my_class_instance.str_member # => "foobar"
my_class_instance.float_member # => 4.2


Mohammed Morsi <[email protected]>