Sinatra::AcceptParams - Parameter whitelisting for Sinatra

This plugin adds parameter whitelisting, type checking, and validation at the routing level to a Sinatra application. While model-level validations are good for CRUD operations, in many cases there are other input parameters which are either not part or a model, or which you want to verify before executing lots of (potentially unsafe) code just to have your model raise an error. Examples include:

  • page numbers for pagination
  • search strings
  • routing prefixes such as region or language

In addition, this plugin provides several extended capabilities which come in handy:

  • type checking of parameters (eg, integers vs strings)
  • automatic type casting of parameters (helps with plugins such as +will_paginate+)
  • default values and post-processing of params


# GET /channels # GET /channels.xml def index accept_params do |p| p.integer :page, :default => 1, :minvalue => 1 p.integer :per_page, :default => 50, :minvalue => 1 end end

# POST /rating # POST /rating.xml def create accept_params do |p| p.namespace :rating do |p| p.integer :user_id, :required => true, :minvalue => 1 p.integer :rating, :required => true p.string :comments, :process =>{ my_value_cleaner(value) } end end

@rating =[:rating])

# format/response code


# GET /players/1 # GET /players/1.xml def show accept_only_id @player = Player.find(params[:id])

respond_to do |format|
  format.html # show.html.erb
  format.xml  { render :xml => @player }



Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Wiger[]. All Rights Reserved. This code is released under the Artistic License.