
Advanced code reloader for Sinatra. Reloads only files that have changed and automatically detects orphaned routes that have to be removed. Most other implementations delete all routes and reload all code if one file changed, which takes way more time than reloading only one file, especially in larger projects. Files defining routes will be added to the reload list per default. Avoid reloading with dont_reload. Add other files to the reload list with also_reload.


Sinatra::Reloader is part of the BigBand stack. Check it out if you are looking for other fancy Sinatra extensions.

BigBand will setup the reloader automatically, but only in development mode.


gem install sinatra-reloader


Simple example:

require "sinatra"
require "sinatra/reloader" if development?

More complex:

require "sinatra/base"
require "sinatra/reloader"

class Foo < Sinatra::Base
  configure(:development) do
    register Sinatra::Reloader
    also_reload "app/models/*.rb"
    dont_reload "lib/**/*.rb"