Sinatra-Shopify: A classy shopify_app
This is a Sinatra extension that allows you to work with the "Shopify API": It's basically just a port of the "shopify_app": rails plugin to sinatra.
== Why?
I have been "having fun working on Shopify apps": lately, but I needed a simpler way than always generating a new rails app, new controllers, etc., for every little idea.
Rails is great, but most of the "Shopify apps": that I have come up with are one page apps, maybe two or three pages. The point is, I don't need a controller for that, I don't need the 63 files or however many the rails generator generates for me.
Sinatra is most awesome when you are working on a small app with just a few routes. You can clone this app and use it as a starting point for a shopify_app. All of the authentication logic/routes are in the lib folder, so they don't pollute the code of your app.
So in app.rb, you just have to worry about the functionality of your app.
== Usage
Installable from rubygems as 'sinatra-shopify'.
The current implementation for authentication is to add the @authorize!@ method at the top of any routes that you want to be authenticated, like so:
get '/sensitive_data' do
# then do the sensitive stuff
This repo includes an example Sinatra app. The fastest way to get it running:
- @git clone git://
- @cd sinatra-shopify@
- @heroku create@ (make sure that you remember the name of your app as you will need that later)
- visit the "Shopify Partners area":
- Sign up for an account if you don't already have one
- Log in to your Shopify partners account
- Create a new application.
- Make sure that the Callback URL is set to
- In the lib/sinatra/shopify.yml file replace API_KEY and SECRET with the Api Key and Secret that you just got from the Shopify Partners area
- @git push heroku master@
- @heroku open@