Slayer’s modifications:
added Reject verb
Twilio Gem
The Twilio gem provides two major pieces of functionality: (1) a Ruby wrapper for the Twilio REST API and (2) response handlers based on the Twilio Markup XML (TwiML).
See for Twilio’s API documentation.
Calling the Twilio REST API
First set your credentials by calling the connect method:
Twilio.connect('my_twilio_sid', 'my_auth_token')
Now call any of the Twilio classes:
Twilio::Call.make('1234567890', '9876543210', '')
Responding to Twilio
When Twilio calls your application URL, your response must use the Twilio Markup XML ( The Twilio gem makes this very easy by providing a Twilio Verb class.
For example, in a Ruby on Rails application, you could do the following inside a controller class:
Twilio::Verb.dial '415-123-4567'
and you can nest multiple verbs inside a block:
verb = { |v|
v.say "The time is #{}"
gem install twilio
Run ‘bundle’ from the command line to install dependencies
Write test(s) for your patch
Submit a pull request
Note: don’t require ‘rubygems’ in any file (
Copyright © 2009-2011 Phil Misiowiec, Webficient LLC. See LICENSE for details.
Kyle Daigle
Yuri Gadow
Kyle Humberto
Jonathan Rudenberg
Mark Turner
Jeff Wigal
Alex K Wolfe