
SmartCacheStore provides variations on ActiveSupport's MemCacheStore and RedisCacheStore to make the default configurations more production ready. It does this by setting better defaults and using a few more ENVs.

Redis -- SmartRedisCache

Set by default:

url:                ENV['REDIS_URL']
namespace:          ENV['REDIS_NAMESPACE']
race_condition_ttl: 5.seconds
pool:               ENV['RAILS_MAX_THREADS'] || 5
connect_timeout:    2
read_timeout:       1
write_timeout:      1
reconnect_attempts: [0.2]

:url should be a uri, like: redis://localhost:6379/0. For two or more uris, combine with a comma: redis://host-a,redis://host-b.

Any of these may still be specified directly, as well as all other support parameters for RedisCacheStore or the Redis gem.

Memcache -- SmartMemCache

Set by default:

url:                ENV['MEMCACHE_SERVERS']
namespace:          ENV['MEMCACHE_NAMESPACE']
race_condition_ttl: 5.seconds
failover:           true
pool:               ENV['RAILS_MAX_THREADS'] || 5

MemCacheStore's legacy initializer with *addresses as the first parameter, and the RedisCacheStore compatible :url are supported.

:url or *addresses should be a uri, like: memcached://localhost:11211. For two or more uris, combine with a comma: memcached://host-a,memcached://host-b.

Other features

SmartMemCache's increment() and decrement() are also enhanced to be able to act on previously unset keys.


In environment/[env].rb:


# basic:
config.cache_store = :smart_redis_cache
# with parameters:
config.cache_store = :smart_redis_cache, {url: 'redis://localhost:1234/9'}


# basic:
config.cache_store = :smart_mem_cache
# with parameters:
config.cache_store = :smart_mem_cache, 'memcached://localhost:1234'
config.cache_store = :smart_mem_cache, 'memcached://localhost:1234', {expires_in: 1.hour}
config.cache_store = :smart_mem_cache, {url: 'memcached://localhost:1234', expires_in: 1.hour}


Add smart_cache_store plus one driver to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'redis' # for redis; gem v4.x or 5.x
# OR
gem 'dalli' # for memcache

gem "smart_cache_store"

And then execute:

$ bundle


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.