
Color and formatting in terminal


require 'smart_colored'

puts 'important'
puts 'important'.colored.bold
puts 'important'
puts 'important'.colored.red_bold
puts 'important'.colored.red_bold_on_yellow


require 'smart_colored/extend'

puts 'important'.red
puts 'important'.bold
puts 'important'.red.bold
puts 'important'.red_bold
puts 'important'.red_bold_on_yellow

smart means you can apply format to string which already got formatting

require 'smart_colored/extend'

puts "sometimes there could be #{'very important'.bold.underline} text in simply important one".red
puts "white, #{'underlined red'}, #{'inversed with background green'.inverse_green} and #{'bold blue'.bold_blue} on black background".white.on_black

Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Ivan Kuchin. See LICENSE.txt for details.