
build maintainability


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'snfoil-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install snfoil-rails


SnFoil Rails mostly just ties together a bunch of the other SnFoil Repos together. To get the most out of this project we highly recommend you read the docs for SnFoil Contexts, Controllers, Searchers, and Policies.

What it does add is a few rails friend steps for you:

  • Basic CRUD controllers
  • JSONAPI Include Parser
  • Serialize and Deserialize Helpers
  • Pagination Helpers
  • Additional Searcher Functionality

CRUD Controllers

To use setup a crud controller you just need to inherit from the SnFoil::Rails::APIController

class PeopleController < SnFoil::Rails::APIController

This will setup create, show, update, destroy, and index for you.

If you only want one or a few of these methods you can include just that functionality using the appropraite concerns.

class PeopleController < ActionController::API
    # Just include Create and Destroy
    include SnFoil::Rails::API::Create
    include SnFoil::Rails::API::Destroy


Name Arguments Description
inject_deserialized options - hash calls the deserialize method using the current option `:params` and injects it into the options hash as `:params`
inject_id options - hash attempts to find the appropriate id of the current request model and injects it into the options hash as `:id`
inject_include options - hash takes include from the params object, parses it by common, and injects it as a symbolized array into the options hash as ':include'
inject_request_id options - hash puts the current request's request_id into the options hash as `:request_id`
inject_request_params options - hash calls the current controller's params, symbolizes the keys, and injects it into the options hash as `:params` and `:request_params`. Since `:params` is expected to be overridden by `#inject_deserialized` a copy of the original params is store in `:request_params`
process_pagination options - hash uses the `:request_params` to discern how to paginate


While most of the helpers are pretty simple pagination require a little more detail.

#process_pagination uses parameters from :request_params in the options hash.

  • per_page - The amount of results to return per page. If 0 then it will return the page_maximum. Default 10.
  • page - The page to return.


In addition to the base searcher functionality a SnFoil::Rails::Searcher includes the following


The default order direction you want the results to be return in. This can be overridden by including order in the request params. Defaults to ASC.

class PeopleSearcher
  include SnFoil::Searcher

  model Person
  order :ASC


The model attribute you want to order by. This can be overridden by including order_by in the request params. Defaults to :id.

class PeopleSearcher
  include SnFoil::Searcher

  model Person
  order_by :last_name


Whether or not to call ActiveRecord's .distinct on the results of the query. Defaults to true.

class PeopleSearcher
  include SnFoil::Searcher

  model Person
  distinct false


A shorthand for adding ActiveRecord's .include to the to the query.

class PeopleSearcher
  include SnFoil::Searcher

  model Person
  includes :address,
           { occupation: :employer }

Author Notes

What happened to SSR controllers?

Honestly I never used them myself and never heard of anyone else using them. This framework was born out of frustration with REST APIs and the only reason SSR was implemented in the first place was a CYA move. Rather than keeping something in that I wasn't actively using, I decided to focus on what I was. If you are interested in bring SSR controllers back feel free to reach out and I can walk you through it!


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.