
SolrEad is a gem that indexes your ead documents into Solr. From there, you can use other Solr-based applications to search and display your finding aids. It originated as some code that I used to index ead into Blacklight, but this gem does not require you to use Blacklight. You can use this gem with any Solr-based app.

SolrEad uses OM (Opinionated Metadata) to define terms in your ead xml, then uses Solrizer to create solr fields from those terms. An indexer is included that has basic create, update and delete methods for getting your documents in and out of solr via the RSolr gem.

The default term definitions are all based on eads created with Archivist's Toolkit, so whatever conventions AT has in its ead will be manifested here. However, you are able to override this definitions with your own to meet any specific local needs.


SolrEad's default way of indexing a single ead document is to create one solr document for the initial part of the ead and then separate documents for each component node. You may also elect to use a simple indexing option which creates only one solr document per ead document.

For more information on indexing, see the documentation for SolrEad::Indexer.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'solr_ead'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself:

$ gem install solr_ead


$ rake solr_ead:index FILE=/path/to/your/ead.xml

You can also do this via the command line:

> indexer =
> indexer.create("path/to/your/ead.xml))

Usage with Blacklight

This code originated in a Blacklight application and some of its default solr fields reflect a Blacklight-style solr implementation. For example, certain facet fields such as subject_topic_facet and title_display will appear in your solr index by default. If you are trying out the gem within a default Blacklight installation, you will need to make the following changes to your schema.xml file:

<dynamicField name="*_id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false" />
<dynamicField name="*_s"  type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"  />

Fields ending in "_id" are used for identifying components within finding aids as well as the finding aid itself, which may not always be the same as the default "id" field for the solr document. "_s" fields are not multivalued by default in Blacklight, so you'll need to edit the existing entry for this dyamic field to reflect the change.

Other than that, your solr configuration should require no futher modifications; however, the only fields that will appear in your search results will be format and title. In order to make this into working solution, you'll need to modify both the definitions of documents and components within SolrEad and configure Blacklight's own display and facet fields accordingly.


SolrEad is intended to work at the indexing layer of an application, but it can also work at the display/presentation layer as well. You can use the solr fields defined in your OM terminology for display; however, formatting information such as italics and boldface is not preserved from the original EAD xml.

For those that need to preserve the formatting of their finding aids, you can use XSLT to process your EAD for display in your application and use SolrEad to index your finding aids for searching.

When creating display pages of your finding aids, you can either use "ready-made" html pages created using XSLT, or create the html when the page is requested. If you opt for the latter, you can store the ead xml in a solr field. To do this, add a new solr field under the to_solr method of your OM terminology for the ead document:

solr_doc.merge!({"xml_display" => self.to_xml})

This will create the solr field "xml_display" containing the complete ead xml. Then you will be able to apply any xslt processing you wish. Other solutions are possible using xml from the document as well as the component, depending on the needs of your application.


Chances are the default definitions are not sufficient for your needs. If you want to create your own definitions for documents and components, here's what you can do.

Writing a custom document definition

Under lib or another directory of your choice, create the file custom_document.rb with the following content:

class CustomDocument < SolrEad::Document

  set_terminology do |t|
    t.root(:path="ead", :index_as = [:not_searchable])

    # Add additional term definitions here


  # Optionally, you may tweak other solr fields here.  Otherwise, you can leave this
  # method out of your definition.
  def to_solr(solr_doc =


From the console, index you ead document using your new definition.

> file = "path/to/ead.xml"
> indexer =>"CustomDocument")
> indexer.create(file)

Adding custom methods

Suppose you want to add some custom methods that perform additional manipulations of your solr fields after they've been pulled from your ead. You can create a module for all your specialized methods and add it to your ead document.

module MyEadBehaviors

  def special_process(field)
    # manipulate your field here
    return field


Then, include your module in your own custom document and call the method during to_solr:

class CustomDocument < SolrEad::Document

  include MyEadBehaviors

  # terminology goes here...

  def to_solr(solr_doc =
    solr_doc.merge!({"solr_field" => special_process(self.field_name)})


Your solr document will now include the field "solr_field" that has taken the term "field_name" and processed it with the special_process method.

Solr schema configurations

SolrEad is designed to work with the solr jetty application that comes with Blacklight. However, this doesn't prevent you from using your own solr application. You can alter the way SolrEad creates its solr fields by creating your own mapper. See the ead_mapper.rb file for more info and the solrizer gem for more information on configuring how SolrEad creates solr fields.

By default, SolrEad will display series and subseries component documents. You may, however, want to surpress this from search results. To do this, add the following line to your solrconfig.xml file, under the "search" request handler:

<lst name="appends"><str name="fq">-component_children_b:[TRUE TO *]</str></lst>


eadid format

solr_ead uses the node to create unique ids for documents. Consequently, if you're using a rails app, this id will be a part of the url. If your eadid has .xml or some other combination of characters preceeded by a period, this will cause Rails to interpret these characters as a format, which you don't want. You may need to edit your eadid nodes if this is the case.


If you have questions or have specific needs, let me know. If you have other ideas or solutions, please contribute code!

  1. Fork SolrEad
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Add your code
  4. Add tests for your code and make sure it doesn't break existing features
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create new Pull Request

Copyright (c) 2012 Adam Wead. See LICENSE for details.