
This is a command line shell for queuing music tracks.

It relies on you having a songbird database that has all of your tracks imported.

This is eventually supposed to be platform independent but at this stage will probably only work on mac os x.


Here you sit expectantly in front of a computer at the command line.


gem install songbirdsh




If readline was correctly installed, you should find that tab completion works for all of the commands.

  • ‘ - show current status (currently playing track)

  • + <id> - enqueue track with id

  • ? <command> - show commands/help for command

  • exit - exit

  • help <command> - show commands/help for command

  • list <filter> - show current track queue

  • next - skip currently playing track

  • quit - exit

  • reload - reload track information (required for search)

  • scrobbling <on|off> - turn lastfm scrobbling on or off (note that this will skip the current track)

  • search <filter> - search for tracks (places ids on the clipboard for convenient pasting to +)

  • setup_scrobbling - runs through a setup wizard for lastfm integration

  • show <id> - shows track details for the specified id

  • shuffle - shuffles the list of tracks returned by the previous search

  • start - start music player

  • stop - stop music player

Future plans for world domination

  • See cardigan cards

  • Get working on linux and windows