A Ruby command line utility and wrapper for the DNSimple API.
DNSimple is a hosted DNS service that can be found at dnsimple.com/
Create a file in your home directory called .dnsimple
In this file add the following:
There are two ways to interact with the DNSimple Ruby wrapper. The first is to use the command line utility that is included. The commands available are as follows:
For help:
dnsimple help
The following commands are available for domains:
dnsimple list
dnsimple describe domain.com
dnsimple create domain.com
dnsimple register domain.com registrant_id
dnsimple transfer domain.com registrant_id [authinfo]
dnsimple delete domain.com
dnsimple apply domain.com template_short_name
Please note that domain registration and transfer can only be done through the API for domains that do not require extended attributes. A future version of the API will add support for extended attributes.
The following commands are available for records:
dnsimple record:create [–prio=priority] domain.com name type content [ttl]
dnsimple record:list domain.com
dnsimple record:delete domain.com record_id
The following commands are available for custom templates:
dnsimple template:list
dnsimple template:create name short_name [description]
dnsimple template:delete short_name
dnsimple template:list_records short_name
dnsimple template:add_record short_name name type content [ttl] [prio]
dnsimple template:delete_record short_name template_record_id
The following commands are available for managing contacts:
dnsimple contact:list
dnsimple contact:describe id
dnsimple contact:create [name:value name:value …]
dnsimple contact:update id [name:value name:value …]
dnsimple contact:delete id
The following commands are available for purchasing certificates:
dnsimple certificate:purchase domain.com name contact_id
dnsimple certificate:submit id
The contact name/value pairs are:
organization_name (optional)
job_title (required if organization name is specified)
address2 (optional)
state_province (also aliased as state)
phone_ext (optional)
fax (optional)
Wrapper Classes
In addition to the command line utility you may also use the included Ruby classes directly in your Ruby applications.
require 'rubygems'
require 'dnsimple'
DNSimple::Client.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
DNSimple::Client.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
puts "Domains..."
Domain.all.each do |domain|
puts " #{domain.name}"
domain = Domain.find("example.com")
domain.apply("template") # applies a standard or custom template to the domain
domain = Domain.create("newdomain.com")
puts "Added #{domain.name}"
domain.delete # removes from DNSimple
The complete RDoc for the wrapper classes can be found here:
Running Rspec Tests
There are two ways you can run the tests, either using VCR mocked responses or by hitting the test site. Either way you need to create a configuration file in your home directory called .dnsimple.local. To run the tests with the DNSimple test site this file should include:
username: [email protected]
password: test
And in spec/spec_helper.rb uncomment this line:
# c.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette = true
The username and password must match the credentials you used to create your account on test.dnsimple.com. To run the tests with VCR mocks you need to include an additional line in the .dnsimple.local file:
site: "http://localhost:3000"
All of the VCR mocks trigger on localhost:3000. If you are using VCR mocks you should leave c.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette = true commented out.