
Rails extension to easily add custom css and js in controllers and views

Why do you need this?

Ever needed to add different css and js to different pages of the website, but felt that creating a new layout would be an overkill?

Now you can just say:

add_css "registration", "some_other_fancy_stuff"
add_js "registration"

and you'll get respective css and js files included into the page.


gem install specific_assets


First, you should add this to your layout:

js_assets.each { |js| javascript_include_tag(js) }
css_assets.each { |css| stylesheet_link_tag(css) }

Now you're ready to use #add_js and #add_css methods. Those methods are available as helpers in views, and both as instance and class methods in controllers. If class methods are used, then assets will be added for all the actions in the controller.

Usage examples:

class UsersController < ApplicationController

  add_css "users"
  add_js "users"

  def new
    add_css "new_user"

  def show
    add_js "user_profile", "user_animations"
