Spectifly Sequel Add-on

An add-on to Spectifly, which uses entity definitions based on YAML, to create Sequel migrations and model files


This is very much a work in progress and any migrations generated from the gem should be carefully scrutinized for correctness prior to applying them to your database. Right now, the gem's output is only tested with Postgres and only creates new tables but does not update schema that already exists (though ideally, that would be a future feature).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'spectifly-sequel'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Once on rubygems, you'll also be able to install it yourself as:

$ gem install spectifly-sequel


The Spectifly markup language is a subset of YAML. Only one root node is allowed per file (since a single .entity file represents a single business entity), and there are other restrictions, as well as additional features, which we'll discuss here.

Given a Spectifly entity defintion lib/entities/widget.entity:

  Description: A widget produced by WidgetCo
      Description: Display name of widget

    Created At:
      Description: When the widget was built
      Type: DateTime

      Description: Whether or not the widget is awesome

When rake spectifly:sequel:generate['widget'] is run, the following migration db/migrate/001_create_widgets.rb will be created.

Sequel.migration do
  change do
    create_table(:widgets) do
      primary_key :id
      String :name, :null => false
      DateTime :created_at
      Boolean :awesome


Spectifly Sequel does not make any assumptions about where you put your entity definitions or migrations. In order for the gem to run correctly, you'll need to specifly the path to a YAML file or set the config directly via a hash.

# to set via YAML file
Spectifly::Sequel.configure_with PATH_TO_CONFIG_YAML

# to set via hash
Spectifly::Sequel.configure {
  'migration_path' => PATH_TO_MIGRATION_DIRECTORY
  'entity_definition_path' => PATH_TO_ENTITY_DEFINITION_DIRECTORY

The YAML configuration file should look something like this:

sequel_migration_path: PATH_TO_MIGRATION_DIRECTORY


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request