SpellBook is a launcher for browser-based desktop apps.
What's "browser-based"?
Browser-GUI apps are desktop apps made with Web technology like HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Why not GUI toolkits?
There are many GUI libraries for Ruby, but I would like to write desktop apps in Sinatra (or Rails).
Why do I need a launcher?
Browser-GUI apps work on web application frameworks and web server. When you have many Browser-GUI apps, it is difficult to remember all the port numbers.
You need Ruby 1.8 or 1.9 and RubyGems.
$ gem i spellbook
$ spellbook -h
$ spellbook
Then open http://localhost:3017 in your browser.
What SpellBook does
- Launcher
- Register an app
- Start an app
- Stop an running app
- Proxy
- Access to all the apps through one port number
- You don't need editing iptables everytime install new app
What SpellBook does not
- Installing apps
- Updating apps