
Provides opinionated but a handy set of extensions to the awesome Spine framework.

What does it do?

It gives you a number of useful helpers and utilities to make you a happier programmer and save you some typing. It is supposed to grow with time. So feel free to request what you do very often.

Currently it includes:

Spine.Controller and JST templating bridge

  • @view 'show' = JST['app/views/posts/show']
  • @generate 'show', post = JST['app/views/posts/show'](post)


This gem requires spine-rails.

If you want to use it standalone, you will have to compile the files inside app/assets/javascripts for now.


In your Gemfile, add this line:

gem "spine-extensions"

Then run the following commands:

bundle install

bundle exec rails generate spine_extensions:install

If you have a non-default application.js, then instead of running the generator require the extensions via Sprockets:

# from .coffee file
#= require spine-extensions


// from .js file
//= require spine-extensions
