
A model of the Calvin distributed database. The main purpose of this model is expository, rather than analysis for correctness or performance.

Spinoza, like Calvin, was a philosopher who dealt in determinism.

Calvin is developed by the Yale Databases group; the open-source releases are at https://github.com/yaledb.


The model of the underlying computer and network system is in lib/spinoza/system.

The Calvin model, implemented on the system models, is in lib/spinoza/calvin. Other distributed transaction models could also be implemented on this layer.

The transaction class, in lib/spinoza/transaction.rb, is mostly abstracted from these layers. It is very simplistic, intended to illustrate Calvin's replication and consistency characteristics.


You will need ruby 2.0 or later, from http://ruby-lang.org, and the gems listed in the gemspec:


You can also gem install spinoza, but it may not be up to date.

To run the unit tests:

rake test

Examples TBD.


To do

  • The performance and error modeling should optionally be statistical, with variation using some distribution.

  • Model IO latency and compute time, in addition to currently modeled network latency.

  • Log#time_replicated should be a function of the reading node and depend on the link characteristics between that node and the writing node.

  • Transactions, to be more realistic, should have dataflow dependencies among operations. (But only for non-key values, because Calvin splits dependent transactions.)

  • Transactions also need conditionals, or, at least, conditional abort, which is needed to support the splitting mentioned above.

  • For comparison, implement a 2-phase commit transaction processor on top of the Spinoza::System classes.

  • Output spacetime diagrams using graphviz.

  • See also 'TODO' in code.


Joel VanderWerf, [email protected], @JoelVanderWerf.

License and Copyright

Copyright (c) 2014, Joel VanderWerf

License for this project is BSD. See the COPYING file for the standard BSD license.