
Spree extension to add IfMB payment gateway


add in your Gemfile

gem 'spree_ifmb'

The run the install command. This will place necessary migrations in your app. Then you have to do rake db:migrate.

bundle exec rails g spree_ifmb:install

rake db:migrate

So now what you have to do is create a payment method, choose PaymentMethod::Ifmband as the provider, save and then set the configurations: Entity, Sub entity and chave. Chave is just needed if you want to have real-time updates on payment status. If you do you have to send the url for your app wich will be something like http://example.com/ifmb?chave=your_chave, you have to send the request to the IFthen company.


Example goes here.


Be sure to bundle your dependencies and then create a dummy test app for the specs to run against.

$ bundle
$ bundle exec rake test_app
$ bundle exec rspec spec

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