SQueeSe - a job queueing DSL for SQS
SQS is a queueing system from Amazon. SQueeSe is a friendly wrapper around it in the style of Stalker or Minion.
Queueing jobs
From anywhere in your app:
require 'squeese'
Squeese.enqueue('email.send', :to => '[email protected]')
Squeese.enqueue('post.cleanup', :id => post.id)
Working jobs
In a standalone file, typically jobs.rb or worker.rb:
require 'squeese'
include Squeese
job 'email.send' do |args|
Pony.send(:to => args[:to], :subject => "Hello there")
job 'post.cleanup.all' do |args|
Post.all.each do |post|
enqueue('post.cleanup', :id => post.all)
job 'post.cleanup' do |args|
First, make sure you have your AWS secret keys configured.
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=[...]
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[...]
Now get your squeese on:
$ sudo gem install squeese
Now squeese tight with a worker:
$ squeese jobs.rb
[Sat Apr 17 14:13:40 -0700 2010] Working 3 jobs :: [ email.send post.cleanup.all post.cleanup ]
Squeese will log to stdout as it starts working each job.
Filter to a list of jobs you wish to run with an argument:
$ squeese jobs.rb post.cleanup.all,post.cleanup
[Sat Apr 17 14:13:40 -0700 2010] Working 2 jobs :: [ post.cleanup.all post.cleanup ]
In a production environment you may run one or more high-priority workers (limited to short/urgent jobs) and any number of regular workers (working all jobs). For example, two workers working just the email.send job, and four running all jobs:
$ for i in 1 2; do squeese jobs.rb email.send > log/urgent-worker.log 2>&1; end
$ for i in 1 2 3 4; do squeese jobs.rb > log/worker.log 2>&1; end
NOTE: Filtering squeese jobs by worker is not yet supported!
- Jobs are serialized as JSON, so you should stick to strings, integers, arrays, and hashes as arguments to jobs. e.g. don't pass full Ruby objects - use something like an ActiveRecord/MongoMapper/CouchRest id instead.
- Because there are no class definitions associated with jobs, you can queue jobs from anywhere without needing to include your full app's environment.
- The default queue name used by squeese is "squeese", but you can select a different queue with ENV['SQUEESE_QUEUE'].
- The squeese binary is just for convenience, you can also run a worker with a straight Ruby command: $ ruby -r jobs -e Squeese.work
- Hash keys at the root of the args level are also available as symbols through a minor cheat, but nested child hashes are not.
- You can select a particular SQS queue with Squeese.queue_name
Created by Peter van Hardenberg (sort of)
Heavily inspired by^W^Wderived from Minion and Stalker by Orion Henry and Adam Wiggins, respectively.
Released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php