
This project sucks and uses MIT-LICENSE.


You can let bundler install by adding this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'staticker'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install staticker

Once the gem is installed, you’ll need to mount the engine in your routes file

mount Staticker::Engine => "/pages", :as => "staticker_engine"

The “/pages” portion of this can be anything. Additionally, if you want to use staticker to server your home page, you can do something like:

root :to => 'staticker/pages#home'


Once you’ve mounted the engine, it will pass all requests that match the prefix to staticker. By default, staticker has a dummy home page.

To create more pages

cd {app_root}
mkdir -p app/views/staticker/pages

Now, any *.html.erb file you put that directory will be active and can be loaded via ‘pages/#page_name’ in the browser.

For example, if you created a contact.html.erb, it would be loadedable via localhost:3000/pages/contact