Ruby wrapper for the Steam Ladder API.

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Table of contents


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'steam_ladder', '~> 1.0.0'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install steam_ladder

Inside of your Ruby program do:

require 'steam_ladder'

Usage examples


@steam_ladder ='API_KEY')

Getting a profile

profile = @steam_ladder.profile('76561198029517073')

Will return an object like the one below (with many more attributes that have been removed from this example).

OpenStruct {
  :steam_user => OpenStruct {
    :steam_name => "Melvin",
    :steam_id => "76561198029517073",
    :steamladder_url => "",
    :steam_join_date => "2010-08-25T18:20:11",
    :steam_country_code => "NL",
    :is_steam_private => false

  :steam_ladder_info => OpenStruct {
    :is_staff => false,
    :is_winter_18 => false,
    :is_winter_19 => false,
    :is_donator => false,
    :is_top_donator => false,
    :patreon_tier => "Platinum"

  :steam_stats => OpenStruct {
    :last_update => "2021-08-17T19:54:03.800318",
    :level => 151,
    :xp => 122052,
    :friends => 211,
    :badges => OpenStruct {
      :total => 337

Objects can be accessed like:

profile.steam_user.steam_id         # '76561198029517073'
profile.steam_user.steam_join_date  # '2010-08-25T18:20:11'    # 337

Updating a profile

update = @steam_ladder.update_profile('76561198029517073')

Returns an object with a success attribute that can be either true or false. If the update fails (usually due to the limit - once every four hours), the error attribute can be accessed.

The last_update attribute indicates the last update time.

Example implementation:

update = @api.update_profile('76561197996764410')

if update.success
  puts "Yay! We did it."
  puts "Oh no, something went wrong: #{update.error}"
  puts "Last update was at #{update.last_update}, so maybe we went too fast."

Getting a ladder

Normal request

# Available types: xp, games, playtime, badges, steam_age, vac, game_ban
ladder = @steam_ladder.ladder('xp')

Specifying a region or country

# Available country codes: alpha-2 country codes (
# Available regions: europe, north_america, south_america, asia, africa, oceania, antarctica

ladder = @steam_ladder.ladder('xp', 'nl')
ladder = @steam_ladder.ladder('games', 'europe')

Will return an object like the one below.

OpenStruct {
            :type => "XP",
        :type_url => "xp",
    :country_code => nil,
          :ladder => []

The ladder contains a maximum of 100 users and their position. Example user:

OpenStruct {
    :pos => 0,
    :steam_user => OpenStruct {
      :steam_name => "St4ck",
      :steam_id => "76561198023414915",
      :steamladder_url => "",
      :steam_join_date => "2010-04-03T19:44:07",
      :steam_country_code => nil,
      :steam_avatar_src => ""
    :steam_stats => OpenStruct {
      :level => 5000,
      :xp => 125282351,
      :badges => OpenStruct {},
      :games => OpenStruct {},
      :bans => OpenStruct {}

So if we want the Steam name of the user in the 4th place:

ladder = @steam_ladder.ladder('xp')
ladder[3].steam_user.steam_name # "K-miK"