Unfortunately I've decided to 'fail fast' and am giving up on developing this gem:
The API isn't yet reliable enough to be able to develop with it - I'm consistently seeing the following:

* 504 bad gateway
* Connections that remain open
* Every other request giving a response, others just time out
* Search for user-entities doesn't appear to function (the reason for the app I am working on)

Sorry - if anyone wants to pick up where I left off, feel free.

Code examples:

=== Setting the API KEY

There are three methods for setting the apikey variable which must be sent with all requests. They are:

Defining it. Easiest: sets the API Key for use globally. Use this method unless you need multiple API Keys:

GEOAPI_KEY = "<my-apikey>"

For Rails, put this in environment.rb

Using an Environment variable in your shell.

ENV["GEOAPI_KEY"] = <my-apikey>

Using a 'Client' so you can use more than one API Key per application:

@client = GeoAPI::Client.new("<my-apikey>")
@entity = GeoAPI::Entity.find_by_id('12345', :client=>@client)

@other_client = GeoAPI::Client.new("<my-other-apikey>")
@other_entity = GeoAPI::Entity.find_by_id('abcde', :client=>@other_client)

You can also send :apikey=>"<my-apikey>" in options for Entity methods:

@entity = GeoAPI::Entity.find_by_id('12345', :apikey=>"<my-apikey>")

=== Creating new Entities

@entity = Entity.create_at_lat_lng(:id=>"moseley",:name=>"Moseley", :lat=>52.446506, :lng=>1.888213)

Creates a new Entity object at the given latitude/longitude point.

Other ways of creating entities are not yet supported, but there are Polygon and Multipoint models which need building.

== Finding Entities

Performs and Entity search on the API. Takes a hash of options as documented on GeoAPI.com

Finds a specific entity - you must pass :guid or :id

== Standard CRUD methods

Entity.create_at_lat_lng(:id=>"moseley",:name=>"Moseley", :lat=>52.446506, :lng=>1.888213)
The easiest way to create a new User Entity - requires an ID and a name.

Gets an entity and returns the result.

An ID is useful for your application, but its actual GUID can also be used to retrieve it.

Entity.delete({:id=>"moseley"}) and
Destroys an entity, either via guid or id.


== Eager loading and caching

This gem does _not_ eager load all results of a search, nor does it cache them, In order to use an item retrieved from a request, you must first load it. Eg.:

@entities = Entity.find(options)

@entities.each do |e|
  puts "#{e.name} is at #{e.lat},#{e.lng}"

=== Automatically generated accessor functions for all Views and UserViews




This is still actively being developed and is very alpha. You can currently conduct a simple search and an MQL query. The results are returned as ruby hash.


  • Allow updates to views.


A Ruby wrapper for the GeoAPI.com APIs. This gem was almost entirely inspired by the various geoplanet gems.


Reverse Geocoding:

require 'geoapi'
GeoAPI.apikey = [Your App ID Here]

# Location
latitude = -27.000
longitude = -131.000

# Non Required Options
optional_parameters = {:radius => '500m', :type => 'POI', "include-parents" => true, :limit => 5, :pretty => true}

# Simple Search
result = GeoAPI::Query.simple_search(latitude, longitude, optional_parameters)

# MQL Query
q = {:lat => 37.75629, :lon => -122.4213, :radius => "1km", :entity => [{:type => "business", :guid => nil}]}
results = GeoAPI::Query.query(q)


To use this library, you must have a valid GeoAPI.com API Key. You can get one at api.geoapi.com

Additionally, geoapi has the following gem dependencies:

  • rest-client >= 0.9

  • json >= 1.1.3

Please note that if you have ActiveSupport::JSON defined (either by manually having loaded it or when you use geoapi within a Rails application) the json dependency will be ignored and geoapi uses ActiveSupport::JSON instead.


This gem is hosted on Gemcutter. To install gemcutter:

gem install gemcutter
gem tumble

To install geoapi after gemcutter:

gem install geoapi