StreamAPI + Ruby

This is a Ruby gem for the StreamAPI. I have created in order to do a rapid prototype so expect a lot of deficiencies and complete lack of tests. Most of the code is influenced by the Wordnik Ruby client.

Example Usage

Let’s fire up an irb session:

$ irb
>> require 'streamapi'
=> true

Then create a session:

$>yourapiky, :secret_key=>yoursecretkey, :site_id=>yoursiteid)

You can now call any of the methods provided by StreamAPI, for example:

$ themes = streamapi.list_themes()

Create a new session:

$ session = streamapi.create_session('panosjee',nil,true,false,1)

You can also create the embed object for the StreamAPI player:

StreamAPI::Embed.to_html(session['private_host_id'], session['public_host_id'], streamapi.site_id, theme)

Copyright © 2010 Panagiotis Papadopoulos / See LICENSE for details. Patches are very welcome!