This Ruby gem wraps small RESTful clients to hit popular music APIs to find recommended music. Current clients include last.fm and Yahoo! Music.

www.last.fm/api developer.yahoo.com/music/


Tests can be run by running:

rake test

To run actual integration tests against RESTful services, you will need to provide an API key for last.fm and Yahoo! Music.


To find similar songs via last.fm:

last_fm_client = SunDawg::LastFmClient.new last_fm_client.api_key = “abcdefg” # YOUR KEY tracks = last_fm_client.get_similar_tracks(“Creep”, “Radiohead”) tracks.each { |t|

puts "TRACK [#{t}]"


To find similar artists via last.fm:

artists = last_fm_client.get_similar_artists(“Bob Dylan”)

To find similar artists via Yahoo Music!: yahoo_music_client = SunDawg::YahooMusicClient.new yahoo_music_client.app_id = “abcdefg” # YOUR KEY artists = yahoo_music_client.get_similar_artists(“The Killers”)

Note: The Yahoo! Music API requires that two RESTful calls, one to search for the artist by name to receive the artist ID, then a second call to find similar artists. The get_similar_artists call will implicitly take the first result from the artist search service when finding similar artists. For more granularity, the following methods are supported:

get_artists(name) get_similar_artists_by_id(id, options)


This gem is hosted gemcutter.org. To install the gem, you should install gemcutter as so:

sudo gem install gemcutter gem tumble

This will add gemcutter to your gem repository for downloading the country_codes gem.


config.gem ‘sundawg_music_rec’, :lib => ‘last_fm_client’ config.gem ‘sundawg_music_rec’, :lib => ‘yahoo_music_client’


  • Integrate more recommendation engines.

  • Build a meta-client that calls all API clients.

  • Code improvement.