Sweetie is a plugin for jekyll to count all links, images, pages, and the last build time on a jekyll site. You can then use this information at a any place in your jekyll project.Travis


gem install sweetie

Possible usage

The easiest way is to add require 'sweetie' on the top of your Rakefile.

Before you build your page, you can run a rake task to update the status information of a page:

desc 'write stats in the _config.yml'
task :create_stati do

A similar task can be implemented for the bitbucket repositories:

desc 'write stats in the _config.yml'
task :create_bitbucket do

Configuration variables of jekyll

Call the class method Sweetie::Bitbucket.bitbucket("yourname") and it will automatically append the build, htmlpages, images, and links in your _config.yml file. You can then use them everywhere in your page with the liquid snippet for example:

  • {{ site.build }}
  • {{ site.htmlpages }}
  • {{ site.images }}
  • {{ site.links }}

Last changes of bitbucket repository

Call the class method Sweetie::Bitbucket.bitbucket("yourname") and it will automatically append the repository name an the last change of the repository in your _config.yml. Here is an example:

git: 2011-10-16
pmwiki-twitter-recipe: 2011-10-29

You can then use this variables in the view of your jekyll project with the liquid template. For example:

### git ###

<section class="lastupdate">
Last update {{ site.git }}

### Twitter ###

<section class="lastupdate">
Last update {{ site.pmwiki-twitter-recipe }}

will result the following html:

<h3 id="git">Git</h3>

<section class="lastupdate">
Last update 2011-10-16

<h3 id="twitter">Twitter</h3>

<section class="lastupdate">
Last update 2011-10-16