Swiftype Ruby Client (beta)

The official Swiftype Ruby client for communicating with the Swiftype API. Learn more about Swiftype by visiting swiftype.com and creating an account.


  1. A Swiftype account. Sign up at swiftype.com.
  2. A compatible Ruby environment.


For now, just clone this repository and then pull in the library:


gem 'swiftype-rb', :git => "https://github.com/swiftype/swiftype-rb.git", :require => 'swiftype'


git clone https://github.com/swiftype/swiftype-rb.git

rake build && rake install

require 'swiftype'


The client has a few basic methods on Swiftype for dealing with Engines. Beyond that, you can perform standard (CRUD) operations on any of the resources.



Engines are the top-level objects in Swiftype. They have a free-form name field that is translated into a slug identifier.

Document Type

DocumentTypes specify the structure of a set of documents in the Engine and are the entry point for searches. There are three types of fields on a DocumentType: :string, :text, :enum, :integer, :float, and :date.

:string is for short strings that can be matched in both prefix and full-text searches. Example: Chapter titles in a book.

:text can be long strings. They are meant for full-text searches only and will not be used for prefix queries. Example: Entire text of an essay.

:enum are string traits of a document. They are not analyzed in any way, and thus can be used to filter and sort queries. Example: Hardcover or paperback.

:date are ISO 8601 compatible time strings. They can also be used to filter and sort queries.


Documents represent all of the pieces of content in an Engine. They are children of a DocumentType and conform to its field specification (note: you do not need to specify the fields ahead of time, they will be inferred by the contents of a document). When you perform a search on a DocumentType, you will receive Document results. external_id is the only required field for a Document. It can be any value, such as a numeric ID.

Basic Usage


Before issuing commands to the API, configure the client with your authentication credentials:

Swiftype.configure do |config|
  config.username = "{YOUR_SWIFTYPE_LOGIN}"
  config.password = "{YOUR_SWIFTYPE_PASSWORD}"



Search engines are the top-level container for the objects you wish to search, and most sites will have a single engine. The engines themselves contain one or more document types, each of which contain the documents themselves.

Create a search engine:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.new(:name => 'bookstore')

Get a search engine:


Delete a search engine:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')

Document Types

Create a document_type:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.create_document_type(:name => 'books')

Get a document_type:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')

Delete a document_type. Deleting a document_type will also delete every document contained within it:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')

or, alternatively, call destroy on the document_type itself:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')


Create a document:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')
    :external_id => '1',
    :fields => [
        {:name => 'title', :value => 'Information Retrieval', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'genre', :value => 'non-fiction', :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'author', :value => 'Stefan Buttcher', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'in_stock', :value => true, :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'on_sale', :value => false, :type => 'enum'}

Get a document:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')
doc = type.document('1')

Get every document within a document_type:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')

Update field(s) of a document:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')
doc = type.document('1')
doc.update_fields!({:in_stock => false })

or, alternatively, update a document without retrieving it first:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')
type.update_document(:external_id => '1', :fields => { :in_stock => false })

you can also update multiple fields in the same call:

doc.update_fields({:in_stock => false, :on_sale => true })

Delete a document:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')
doc = type.document('1')

or, alternatively, delete a document without retrieving it first:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')

Bulk Operations

Bulk operations will allow you to perform rapid indexing updates and avoid the latency overhead of making repeated requests.

Create documents in bulk:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')
    :external_id => '2',
    :fields => [
        {:name => 'title', :value => 'Lucene in Action', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'genre', :value => 'non-fiction', :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'author', :value => 'Michael McCandless', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'in_stock', :value => true, :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'on_sale', :value => false, :type => 'enum'}
    :external_id => '3',
    :fields => [
        {:name => 'title', :value => 'MongoDB in Action', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'genre', :value => 'non-fiction', :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'author', :value => 'Kyle Banker', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'in_stock', :value => true, :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'on_sale', :value => false, :type => 'enum'}
    :external_id => '4',
    :fields => [
        {:name => 'title', :value => 'The Great Gatsby', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'genre', :value => 'fiction', :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'author', :value => 'F. Scott Fitzgerald', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'in_stock', :value => true, :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'on_sale', :value => false, :type => 'enum'}

Update documents in bulk:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')
    {:external_id => '2', :fields => {:in_stock => false, :on_sale => 'false'}},
    {:external_id => '3', :fields => {:in_stock => false, :on_sale => 'false'}}

Delete documents in bulk:

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')


Search a document_type for the query "lucene":

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')
results = type.search("lucene")

You can pass the following options to the search method: page, per_page, fetch_fields, search_fields, and filters.

  • page should be an integer of the page of results you want
  • per_page should be an integer of the number of results you want from each page
  • fetch_fields is a hash containing arrays of the fields you want to have returned for each object of each document_type
  • search_fields is a hash containing arrays of the fields you want to match your query against for each object of each document_type
  • functional_boosts is a hash containing boosts that are to be applied to numerically valued fields
  • filters is a hash specifying additional conditions that should be applied to your query for each document_type

An example of using search options is as follows:

results = type.search('lucene', :filters => { :books => { :in_stock => false, :genre => 'fiction' }}, :per_page => 10, :page => 2, :fetch_fields => {:books => ['title','genre']}, :search_fields => {:books => ['title']})

Filters also support datetime range queries. For example, to return only those books with an updated_at field between 2012-02-16 and now, use the following filter:

results = type.search('lucene', :filters => { :books => { :updated_at => '[2012-02-16 TO *]' }})
Functional Boosts

Functional boosts allow you to boost result scores based on some numerically valued field. For example, you might want your search engine to return the most popular books first, so you would boost results on the total_purchases field, which contains an integer of the total number of purchases of that book:

results = type.search('lucene', :functional_boosts => { :books => { :total_purchases => 'logarithmic' }})

There are 3 types of functional boosts:

  • logarithmic - multiplies the original score by log(numeric_value)
  • exponential - multiplies the original score by exp(numeric_value)
  • linear - multiplies the original score numeric_value

Functional boosts may be applied to integer and float valued fields.


Get autocomplete suggestions from a document_type for the prefix "act"

engine = Swiftype::Engine.find('bookstore')
type = engine.document_type('books')
results = type.suggest("act")

The suggest method also accepts the same options specified for the search method above.

Simple Client:

The Simple Client is a convenience class that gives you basic, direct access to the Swiftype REST API, without mapping each call to the intermediate objects seen in the examples above. These methods will be more performant, because they avoid unnecessary round-trips to the server, but you will also have to provide more information to each call. Choose whatever suites your use-case.

Create a Simple Client

client = Swiftype::Easy.new
results = client.search('bookstore',{SEARCH QUERY} [, OPTIONAL SEARCH OPTIONS])


results = client.suggest('bookstore',{AUTOCOMPLETE PREFIX QUERY} [, OPTIONAL SEARCH OPTIONS])


client.engines # retrieves every engine
client.create_engine(:name => 'bookstore')

Document Types

client.create_document_type('bookstore', :name => 'books')
client.destroy_document_type('bookstore', 'books')


# retrieve all documents
client.documents('bookstore', 'books')

# create a document
client.create_document('bookstore', 'books', {
    :external_id => '1',
    :fields => [
        {:name => 'title', :value => 'Information Retrieval', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'genre', :value => 'non-fiction', :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'author', :value => 'Stefan Buttcher', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'in_stock', :value => true, :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'on_sale', :value => false, :type => 'enum'}

# create documents in bulk
client.create_documents('bookstore', 'books', [{
    :external_id => '2',
    :fields => [
        {:name => 'title', :value => 'Lucene in Action', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'genre', :value => 'non-fiction', :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'author', :value => 'Michael McCandless', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'in_stock', :value => true, :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'on_sale', :value => false, :type => 'enum'}
    :external_id => '3',
    :fields => [
        {:name => 'title', :value => 'MongoDB in Action', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'genre', :value => 'non-fiction', :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'author', :value => 'Kyle Banker', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'in_stock', :value => true, :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'on_sale', :value => false, :type => 'enum'}

# update a document
client.update_document('bookstore','books','1', { :in_stock => false })

# update documents in bulk
client.update_documents('bookstore','books', [
    {:external_id => '2', :fields => {:in_stock => false}},
    {:external_id => '3', :fields => {:in_stock => true}}

# create or update a document
client.create_or_update_document('bookstore', 'books', {
    :external_id => '1',
    :fields => [
        {:name => 'title', :value => 'Information Retrieval', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'genre', :value => 'non-fiction', :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'author', :value => 'Stefan Buttcher', :type => 'string'},
        {:name => 'in_stock', :value => false, :type => 'enum'},
        {:name => 'on_sale', :value => true, :type => 'enum'}

# destroy a document

# destroy documents in bulk


  • Tests!


Get in touch! We would be happy to help you get up and running.

Quin and Matt from Swiftype