
Swinger is a really simple Capybara extension that aims to make driver switching in RSpec a bit less horrible to look at. Using the new metadata feature in RSpec 2, you can simply set your :driver per scenario or context:

# `scenario` is an alias for `it` and `context` is an alias for `describe`, provided by Steak

scenario 'get a nice greeting', :driver => :selenium do
  visit homepage
  page.should have_content 'Welcome'

context 'when logged in', :driver => :rack_test do

  scenario 'get a nice greeting' do
    visit homepage
    page.should have_content 'Welcome back'

  scenario 'see the logout link' do
    visit homepage
    page.should have_content 'Logout'


It also adds the using_driver method to Capybara, allowing you to execute a block using a specific driver. This is especially useful when you’re (still) not on RSpec 2 and can’t use the new metadata feature:

scenario 'get a nice greeting' do
  Capybara.using_driver :selenium do
    visit homepage
    page.should have_content 'Welcome'


Installing Swinger is easy. Simply add it to your Gemfile and require it in spec_helper.rb (or acceptance_helper.rb if you’re using Steak).


Found an issue? Have a great idea? Want to help? Great! Create an issue issue for it, ask, or even better; fork the project and fix the problem yourself. Pull requests are always welcome. :)