This rake task will update (delete and copy) all the files under /public on s3, be patient

The rake task will verify if the local file exist on s3 and if the local file have been modified since the upload to s3.

** Rails 2.3.4 **

In your Gemfile

gem 'syncassets_r2'

In your Rakefile

Dir["#{Gem.searcher.find('sync-s3-gem').full_gem_path}/lib/tasks/**/*.rake"].each { |ext| load ext }

In your config/aws.yml

  access_key_id:     'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY'
  secret_access_key: 'YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'
  bucket:            'YOUR_BUCKET_NAME'
  access_key_id:     'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY'
  secret_access_key: 'YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'
  bucket:            'YOUR_BUCKET_NAME'
  access_key_id:     'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY'
  secret_access_key: 'YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'
  bucket:            'YOUR_BUCKET_NAME'