Ship logs to a syslog server
[syslog-shipper (master *+$)]$ bin/syslog-shipper -h
Usage: bin/syslog-shipper [options] -s HOST:PORT <path_or_glob> [path_or_glob2] [...]
If a path begins with '+' each line is sent unmodified to the syslog server.
Otherwise, this tool will prefix each line read from the file with a syslog
For example: bin/syslog-shipper -s somehost:514 +/var/log/messages /var/log/apache2/access.syslog
--check-interval, -i <i>: How frequently, in seconds, to check the glob patternsfor new files (default: 5)
--exclude, -x <s+>: A pattern to ignore. Wildcard/globs accepted. Can be specified multiple times
--server, -s <s>: What syslog server to ship to (uses TCP)
--verbose, -v: Verbose mode
--ping, -p: Try to connect and quit immediately after
--ca-cert, -c <s>: Custom certificate used to verify TLS certificates (implies --tls)
--skip-peer-check, -k: When connecting with TLS, do not prompt the user to verify the peer (not recommended, implies --tls)
--tls, -t: Connect via tls
--config-file, -f <s>: YAML config file (command line options override values in this file)
--version, -e: Print version and exit
--help, -h: Show this message