Tapsilog, an asynchronous logging service

Tapsilog is a super customized fork of Analogger. Tapsilog allows you to attach tags to log messages so that it can be searched easily. Currently, Tapsilog supports files and mongodb as storage backend.

Supported adapters

  • file - Logs to files, STDOUT or STDERR
  • mongo - Logs to mongoDB
  • proxy - Forwards logs to another tapsilog server

Gems required for mongoDB support

  • mongo
  • bson
  • bson_ext

Compatibility with analogger

Tapsilog is mostly compatible with analogger client. Though there is a known quirk. When using the analogger client, text after a colon will be interpreted as a tag. Tapsilog URL encodes and decodes messages to circumvent this.


Tapsilog Server

See tapsilog –help for details

Sample File/Mongo Config

port: 19080
  - /tmp/tapsilog.sock
daemonize: true
key: the_real_logger

syncinterval: 1

  # Can be mongo or file
  adapter: mongo

  # Services not listed in logs section below will automatically be created under this collection (autocreate_namespace.service_name)
  # If autocreate is off and an unknown service is requested, tapsilog uses the service named 'default'.
  # If the service 'default' is not specified, tapsilog ignores the request 
  # If file adapter is used, this is used to specify the directory where log files named by the service name are created.
  #autocreate: development

  # You can leave these blank and tapsilog connects using mongodb connection defaults
  #port: 1234
  #user: root
  #password: somepassword
  #database: tapsilog
  # For mongo adapter, target refers to the mongodb collection
  # For file adapter, specify the path of the log file. You can also use stdout and stderr
  - service: default
    target: default

  - service: access
    target: /some/special/logfile

    # You can override the global backend for this service
      adapter: file

  - service: bizsupport
    target: bizsupport

Sample Proxy Config

  - /tmp/tapsilog_proxy.sock
daemonize: true
key: some_serious_key

syncinterval: 1

  adapter: proxy

  # You can connect to the destination tapsilog instance via tcpip or unix domain socket
  #port: 19080
  #socket: /tmp/tapsilog.sock

  # Specify the authorization key of the tapsilog server to connect to
  key: the_real_logger

Tapsilog Client

The tapsilog Logger class quacks like the ruby standard Logger.


logger = Palmade::Tapsilog::Logger.new('default', '/tmp/tapsilog.sock', 'some_serious_key')
logger.level = Palmade::Tapsilog::Logger::DEBUG # defaults to INFO
logger.info("I am logging a message.", {:my_name => "tapsilog", :my_number => 2})